The most beautiful and fabulous valley of the world is called as Kashmir Jannat Nazeer, a paradise on earth. In the same manner, the people dwelling there are sober, hospitable, kind, intelligent and beautiful as well. With these values notwithstanding, they have been suffering economically, politically as well as educationally for centuries. Struggling hard to overcome these hardships and for freedom from alien yoke, for centuries the Muslims of Kashmir have offered numberless sacrifices setting precedence of bravery in the history. It is hoped that their sacrifices would prove to be fruitful and the darkness of serfdom would become to an end. It would be noteworthy to note here that the hardships they had to face during Dogra rule were ignominious; however, the oppression and atrocities committed by the Indian forces following the forceful occupation, are many folds and eclipse the Dogra brutalities. The Dogras had purchased Kashmir for Rs. 7.5 million, therefore considered it as their personal property and the people residing in their personal serfs. But the Indian occupied forces after 1947, forcefully usurped the territory considering it as "integral part" against the wishes of Kashmiri.

Nisar. A. Malik, Abdul Majid. (2016) Kashmir; in Historical Perspective, Journal of the Punjab University Historical Society, Volume 29, Issue 2.
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