Humans from the very first day to till date of human existence, created many norms and institutions to have and live a better life. Many of these norms do not acquire any written proofs or documentation, but it was as a part of human’s existence. These very norms affect and direct human lives accordingly. Not a single discipline left aside from this affect. By the time these norms and institutions became ethics of human kind. The ethical behaviour of any human decides his or her intellect and the cultural background. This ethical behaviour fixes our status in society. Ethics may be briefly defined as “the Science of Morality” or as “the Study of right conduct or duty”. It is the science which explains the fact of moral life and indicates the course in which human activities should be directed. It is essentially an investigation into the notions of good and bad, right and wrong and the connected notion of duty, as applied to conduct or voluntary action. When we try to find the history of ethics, we find religion had been a basic and powerful driver of humans to embrace this ethical behaviour at first. Religion had a crucial role to play in humans’ ethical conscience. Sufism played a vital role in ethical history through prominent Sufis of all time. Punjabi Literature history witnesses the beginning with the writings of Baba Sheikh Farid. As of many other Sufis Baba Sheikh Farid preached of Ethics. His very discourse and teachings are related to human behaviour and conscience. Baba Farid Bani is compiled in Guru Granth Sahib By Guru Arjan Sahib along with 14 other Bhagats, 11 Bhatts, 4 Sikhs And 6 Sikh Gurus. Sikhs consider all of them who includes in Guru Granth Sahib as Guru so Sufi’s and Sikhs share the same ethical behaviour as such. So our concern in this research paper is to find the ethics in Sufism itself and ethical behaviour which Baba Sheikh Farid celebrates.

Perminder Singh. (2020) تصوف،بابا شیخ فرید تے سداچار, Parakh, Volume 5, Issue 1, 9th Edition.
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