Dr. Jaber Qamihah, was a good teacher, a good writer and a good poet from Egypt, He grew up in a noble family, he was fond of reading from the very earliest age. And he was an intellectual and his deep reflections of the Quran appeared in his writings, and carried the concerns of Ummah. He devoted himself for preaching of Islam and said that the original Islam is peace .In the twentieth century, the new intellectual situation appeared, which was more harmful not beneficial to the people. People witnessed an age of intellectual cognitive conflict s ,until three teams appeared ,the first refused all things of west .That the West has built modern discourse on the separation of religion from countries politically, economically, and in character building .On the other side, a school of thought says.That Islam is a religion not kingdom, and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a prophet and not a king, And between the two previous views .A third view was expressed, calling for the introduction of the West’s civilization, should be taken and which should not be taken. Dr. Jabir Qamheh was born in the era of this intellectual conflict, and he looked closely And interacting with some dimensions and intersecting with some other dimentions he accepted , a few intellectual orientations and , rejected a few other dimentions .He was a believer, in the Book of God, Messenger, his Judgment and Destiny.He showed the political spirit through his writings ,and tried to sire a spirit of jahad to muslims which is only way for the awareness of ummah according to his opinion.

Sajida Ulfat, Dr. iftikhar ahmad, Dr. Sana Ullah. (2019) التوجهات الفكرية للأديب المصري الدكتور جابر قميحة, Ma’arif-e-Islami, Volume 18, Issue 2.
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