Teaching pedagogies plays an important role in communicating the information to the students. As learner needs more attention in acquiring the information so there is a need to teach them very carefully by practicing the innovative pedagogies. This study was conducted to analyze the impact of a new interactive Jigsaw technique. The objectives were as: To compare the lecture and jigsaw teaching pedagogies, to identify the impact of jigsaw and lecture methods on teaching – learning process and to suggest the teaching strategies for improving the teaching – learning process. Research questions were developed as: What is the difference between lecture and jigsaw teaching pedagogies? What is the impact of the lecture and jigsaw pedagogies on learning? And how teaching – learning process can be improved by using innovative teaching pedagogies? Experimental research design was used to conduct this study. 10 schools were selected through simple random sampling technique. 40 students were selected from each school through simple random sampling techniques from 9th grade (N#400). Sample students from each school were divided in the control (N#200) and experimental groups, (N#200), the experimental group was taught about 15 topics from Islamiyat, Urdu, English, General science and Pakistan Studies through Jigsaw Technique. The teaching of the control group was conducted by applying lecture method. At the end of the teaching-learning process, a test was taken and reflection sheets were filled by the students. Major findings of the results of this study showed that there was a difference in the scores of test in the control group and the experimental group. Students that were in experimental group were high achiever and they reflected that they enjoy the learning a lot. Jigsaw technique also increase their confidence level as they learn as an interactive learner rather than a passive learner, they feel them as a leader, because this technique also provides them the opportunity to share their learnings, ideas with their classmates. The students of the control group were feeling bored in learning the different concepts. They respond that they need more lectures on understanding the difficult concepts, while the experimental group were very happy that they acquire more knowledge in little time, not only this they felt no more teaching of difficult concepts. Major recommendations are that, teaching – learning process is a difficult process, digestion of the information is difficult as compared to the digestion of the food. So students should be teach through using interesting, innovative and interactive teaching pedagogies to teach different topics. Use of these pedagogies make the teaching – learning process as an enjoyful and interesting activity.

Alia Ayub1, , Khadija Karim, Sadia Suleman Khan4, , Mohammad Akram3. (2017) Comparative Analysis of The Jigsaw and Lecture Teaching Pedagogies at Secondary Level in Balochistan, Balochistan Review, Volume 2, Issue 2.
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