Community participation in school management is highly important, because the school administration cannot overcome all of the challenges of school alone. Through community involvement the work becomes easy, and promotes the quality of education, as we are living in typical tribal society, where the people have fewer tendencies toward education. Thus, the idea of community participation gets high value. The present study explains the impact of community participation in increasing enrolment and dropout retention. The study was based upon the qualitative research method, where the data was collected from 40 key informants through face-to-face interview. The purposive sampling technique was applied and only those respondents were interviewed who were directly link to the problem. The findings show that besides multi and overwhelming challenges the PTSMCs are playing active role in the enrolment of out-of-school children and retention of dropout. The members go and persuade the parents to bring maximum number of children into school. The study reveals that the existence of PTSMC has improved the standard of education

Muhammad Rahim Nasar, Dr. Bashir Kakar2. (2017) Community Participation in Schooling and its Impact on Increasing Enrollment and Dropout Retention, Balochistan Review, Volume 2, Issue 2.
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