The discourses play an important role in identity construction as identity discourses carry within themselves themes and discursive strategies. This study tries to explore the discursive construction of immigrant identity of Mohajirs (Urdu Speaking) in Pakistan by analysing an identity discourse in the form of a blog through Wodak’s Discourse-Historical Approach of Critical Discourse Analysis. The discourse constructs and deconstructs Mohajir identity by focussing on certain themes, the major one being the nonacceptance of such an identity and the perils attached with it. The blogger makes use of several discursive strategies with strategy of Dismantling and demontage as a prevalent one through which she expresses her dislike for this identity. The blogger believes that ‘Mohajir' is a label and not an identity, the label with a negative connotation and derogatory denotation. The text aimed at dismantling the immigrant identity and the need to disown it. The term Mohajir and the identity that has come to be associated with it, is a part of discursive practices that have formed over decades. Removal or the re construction of this identity would need another set of discourses to take roots in the discourse producing circles in the country

Fouzia Rehman Khan1. (2017) Discursive Construction of Immigrant Identity: Discourse Historical Analysis of a Mohajir Identity Blog, Balochistan Review, Volume 2, Issue 2.
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