India opened its doors to globalization in 1991 and the reference
point of this change through globalization has been the United
States of America (USA). The current study attempts to explore the
relevance that globalization has brought to India through mapping
the shift in pattern of mass media coverage of India by the foreign
media and parallel marketing shifting patterns in investments made
by foreign financial institutions in India, over the last two decades.
A total number of 500 news of NYT were selected from a period of
1991- 2010 and top 25 news articles of each year were filtered
through “relevance’ from the NYT website and downloaded. The
findings indicate an exponential rise in the number of news items
which NYT carried about India over this period. This indicates an
existence of a relationship between positive news coverage by
independent media and a rise in the amount of investments made
by foreign institutions in India.
Ruchi Tewari, Taral Pathak. (2015) A Correlation between Mass Media Communication and Foreign Investments in India, Journal of Media Studies, Volime 30, Issue 1.
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