Arif Abdual Mateen as a Poet, Researcher, Critic and Progressive writer has a significant role in Punjabi Language and Literature. In this article present different diamensions of Punjabi Ghazal by Arif Abdul Mateen. His poetry reflects the status of social values. He supported the common man problems and raises voice for human rights. He discussed social exploitation, poverty, feudalism, inJustice, and class division, these research indicate Punjabi Ghazal mark of recognition. Different topics found in his Punjabi Ghazal have been brought under discussion through poetic lines.

Inam ur Rehman Safdar, Dr. Zaheer Ahmad Shafique. (2023) ARIF ABDUL MATEEN AS PUNJABI GHAZAL POET, Parakh, Volume 8, Issue 1, 15th Edition.
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