Punjabi language is one of the oldest languages. It is thought to be five thousand years old. It is being spoken by a large population in Pakistan and India. People who can understand and speak Punjabi live almost in every country of the world. Inspite of having this big stature, Punjabi is still deprived of its due respect and rights to give our mother tongue, its honour and rights back, we need to join a movement to teach people to speak Punjabi with confidence and pride because it is a question of our national self esteem. We should organize efforts to promote our tongue. We should stand for it with following demands from government give our children primary education in Punjabi as it is an agreed upon rule today that basic education is affective only in mother tongue.

Dr. Yusra Sikandar. (2023) DEMANDS OF PUNJABI LANGUAGE FROM PUNJABIANS, Parakh, Volume 8, Issue 1, 15th Edition.
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