The renowned Scottish scholar Sir William Muir is considered to be the one of the famous orientalists who worked on the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in nineteenth century. His work raised uproar in Muslim societies generally and in scholarly (Muslim) circles particularly which caused some scholars to rejoin his work and thoughts about holy prophet. Those who were in first row in this regard; Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was one of them. Later, a number of scholars came forward to work on this aspect. It is obvious that Sir William Muir was convinced by his missionary friend Karl Gottlieb Pfander to produce something on Islam and Muslim in favoure of Christian missionaries. So William Muir fulfilling his desire wrote this book. Unfortunately, William Muir could not apply the modern standards of criticism on textual contents for historic narratives as he claimed in the preface of book. His biasness and partiality emerges explicitly when we throw a glance at his work. He was right in his statement that he will consult the only core original principal references of the biography of Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) for the citation and quotation of material in his book. But the problem creates when an author tries to prove what is in his mind before from speculations and assumptions irrespective of what is actual and factual and what does appear from exploration and evidences. The same problem occurred here with the respectable author. He tried utmost his capability to prove what western mindset assumes and thinks about Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Abdul-Samad Sheikh, Bashir Ahmad Dars. (2019) William Muir and His Book “The life of Prophet (PBUH)”: An analytical study, Hazara Islamicus, Volume 8, Issue 2.
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