"Naadaar Logg" is the last novel of Abdullah Hussain which was Naadaar Logg" is the last novel of Abdullah Hussain.The novel spans from 1897 to 1974 in its theme. There are several stories which form the plot it includes the stories of love, hatred, war, peace society and politics. He has presented some incidents like the World War One and the partition of India. While in the latter half of the novel he discussed in detail the time span from 1947 to 1974. The first Martial Law in Pakistan, indo-Pak War of 1965, the General Yahya era including his Martial Law, the formation of Pakistan Peoples Party by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the general elections of 1970 and their outcome, the difference between Awami League and Pakistan Peoples Party, the fall of Dhaka, the Murree tribe insurgency in Baluchistan, all these historical events have artistically presented by Abdullah Hussain. It's an incomplete novel therefore critics have not paid much attention to it. The writer was writing the remaining part of the novel named "Azad Logg" when he passed away

Dr Salman Bhatti. (2017) ناول ’’ نادار لوگ‘‘ کا سیاسی منظر نامہ, IDRAK, volume 6-7, Issue 1 .
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