All the classics and forms of Art and Literature are still associated with Greece.
Although Egyptian and Iraqi literature are more ancient. Egyptian religious and
Non religious literature both are admireable. "Hamd" is linked with the creation
of Universe. Egyptian Hamd is about God and Godes Akhnaton (pharaoh) wrote
for his God "Aatin". His writings are quite similar with old testimne of Bible
and Psalm. It shows how Israilians literature and Egyptian literature influence
each other. In these Hamds similies, metaphors and sounds help in makind
attractive images. Akhnaton's poetry is a best example of natural poetry. All
poems have same subject and quite similar in content, but variation in text is
because of different Gods and Godes. so the thought about God which we
named "Hamd" we can concieved or can see in Akhnaton's writings.
Dr Sabahat Musthaq . (2017) حمد کے اولین نقوش اور مصری ادب, Mayar , Volume 17-18 , Issue 1.
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