MunirNiazi, a distinguished and esteemed poet as he is, enjoys esteemasbeing a
prose writer as well. His columns are manifestations of his prose writing skills,
prolifically available in newspapers and periodicals. These columns are peculiar
representations highlighting the literal, cultural and social realities, and also
elaborating the contextual background of these realities. Undoubtedly, these
writings are distinctive source of contemporary literaryhistory. Although the
columns proffer literaryand cultural activities, yet possess a literaryexpression
and elegance. Moreover, a distinguishing virtue of his sagacious personality and
the facetiousness is indeed a prominent quality of Munir's columns. Hence, this
article not only discusses the noteworthy prestige of MunirNiazi's published
columns, it equally tends to provide a detailed index of his columns with all
necessary publishing details.
ڈاکٹر سمیرا اعجاز. (2015) منیر نیازی کی کالم نگاری:تحقیق و تنقید, Mayar , Volume 13-14, Issue 1.
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