حقوق بشر از دیدگاه عارفان مسلمان

"Although it seems that human rights is apparently a modern issue which has made the mind and speech of the philosophers and pensives busy after Renaissance and industrial revolution, but indeed it doesn’t seem a completely modern issue which has not have any root and precedent in the former cultural civilizations and gas been reckoned among modern world’s characterist because there were pensives among the past cultural civilizations who have philosophized about these issues and have found very proper points whom Muslim Gnostics(Muslim’s Sufi or Arif) are among them. Many years before great and worthlypensives such as Fronses Bacon, Bentham, Hobbes, Montesquieu, Rosso and many others, Muslim illumined gnostic and philosophers have thought about human rights, nature and existence and Have assigned special rights for human apart from color, race, religion, country, etc. and have repeated it frequently in their literary works and writings especially freedom right of religion select and belief, r equal law rights, human race and color dignity, opinions and believes, religious minority rights and races and countries, culprits, thieves, irreligions, heretics, prostitutes, and also animal rights and etc. These great gnostic believes that human and his existence is not in front of God and is not parallel to him but is a creation of God. They also believe that human is a successor of God and it’s representative and full and complete manifestation of him who has created him like himself, the believe that respect to human rights doesn’t mean the negation of God and its dignity and rights but also is the same as it and they always have insisted on it. This article by taking hold of these gnostic’s original and exact words in their original and deasive works and writings, try to show and analyze some of these samples of dignity and believes of human rights which have been mentioned above. "

Dr. Mahi Mohabbati. (2018) Human Rights According to Muslims’s Sufism, Anahita, Volume 5, Issue 1.
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