Drama is the most power full medium of communicaon. Drama is
popular all over the world and can be found in literature of almost all the developed languages. Drama has been part of Hindu Religion since long but the
Journey of Modern Sindhi drama starts from 1880, when Mirza Qalech Baig
wrote the first Sindhi Drama “Lela Majnon”. This was closet drama and that
me there was no dramac club in Sindh, which staged opera. In the year
1894, first dramac club “D.J Sindh Collage Natak Mandli” was formed, which
staged first drama “Nal damen” wri3en by Jethanand Khilndas. The first period of Sindhi drama ended during paron of Sub-connent in 1947. The independence brought change in the polical setup. Like the other genres of literature, Sindhi drama also suffered a break a7er the migraon of Hindu drama-
sts and closure of dramac clubs all over Sindh. A new period of Sindhi drama started a7er paron in Sindh and India. A7er the evident of Radio and
Television, Sindhi drama got severely affected and many dramasts have been
trying to save the Sindhi stage drama. Manzoor Kohiar is one of them, whose
book recently got published. His book contains four Art dramas which can be
considered the new birth of Sindhi stage drama.
M. Qasim Rajpar. (2015) سنڌي ناٽڪ جو نئون جنم, Kalachi, Volume 18 , Issue 2.
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