Historically Siraiki language and literature belongs to Indus valley civilizaon. This great civilizaon is considered the oldest civilizaon of the world. Indus valley civilizaon is considered the ... Read More

Rashed Bha is well known writer of Sindhi language, having made great contribuon to and acquired experse in Sindhi short story wring, research and translaon. He played an acve role in Sindhi Ad ... Read More

In 18th century it earned the obligaon of ficonal and arsc movement under the slogan `art for art’s sake` and blew-out the enre world. In modern mes Aesthecs is not only supposed to be simply ... Read More

Social study of poetry is an important subject which has been a part of many a research projects. Such research has been carried out to study the poetry in many a different languages of the world bu ... Read More

Drama is the most power full medium of communicaon. Drama is popular all over the world and can be found in literature of almost all the developed languages. Drama has been part of Hindu Religion si ... Read More

All the languages of the world are an invaluable asset for their respecve civilisaons. The Sindhi language is amongst the ancient languages of sub-connent, and its script i.e the Indus script has ... Read More

Humanism is a mul -dimensional philosophy, it keeps very vast canvas; which not only covers human-being(s) from crea on to culture, but the discussion about the universe is also in its limits. The ... Read More

Sindh, a province of Pakistan is as rich as its culture, its tradions, its language, its moral values, its social diversity and its civilizaon. The region of Sindh is known as the land of Sufi sai ... Read More

Aesthecs is a muldimensional term which is basically known as the philosophical study of Beauty and art in large. The word, “Aesthecs” was first me used by a German philosopher Alexander Baumgar ... Read More

Manthar Fakir was a prominent Neo-Classical poet of Sindhi language. He was born in 1865 in the village Khaani Rajar, Taluka Khypro, District Sanghar, and died in the same village in 1935 A.D. He was ... Read More

When we study the possessive or genitive case, we show the relation of Noun or Pronoun to another Noun or quality by using possessive syntax. This is used to show the possession or quality by using ... Read More

Sindh is a land of mystic poets. Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai, Sachal Sarmast, Bedil and other mystic poets have chosen it to express their inner most thoughts in the form of mysticism. Mysticism is an a ... Read More

To understand the true greatness of Shah Abdul Latif it is essential to make an artistic, literary and linguistic assessment of his poetry. By now, such an assessment has been made at two levels: ... Read More

Dhat or Dhaat is the central part of Thar. Its language is Dhatki and its inhabitants are called Dhaati. Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai visited Dhat/ Dhaat (Thar) several times. He observed the culture, l ... Read More

The prominent poet Shah Laf has focused on the inner feelings of person. He deliberately states the human insncts with the swi touch of his wisdom. No doubt Shah Laf is great interpreter of huma ... Read More

In this ar cle an aempt has been made to evaluate the Urdu transla on of 'Shah Jo Risalo' by Shaikh Ayaz, published in the early 60's. This transla on was done following the true classical tradi ... Read More