The Greek Philosopher Aristotle made significant and lasting contributions to nearly every aspect of human knowledge, from logic to biology to ethics and aesthetics. His contribution towards literature in form of his two treatises i.e. Rhetoric and Poetics can be really termed foundation of literary criticism. His book Rhetoric has been studied thoroughly since it provided the basic literary principles to the western literature. However his Poetics could not occupy the due attention as compared to Rhetoric. Poetics is a much disdained book. His Poetics is the origin and basis of all subsequent theatre criticism. Aristotle،s Poetics was translated into Syriac in early tenth century, and within a few decades it was translated again from Syriac into Arabic. In this context I have given a brief account of the translations of this treatise i.e. Poetics in Arabic. The main purpose of this research is comparative study of classical and modern Arabic translations of Poetic

طيبة صادق , د.محمد أبو ذر خليل . (2019) ً ً وحديثا دراسة نقدية لترجمات بوطيقا لأرسطو العربية قديما, Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, Volume 26, Issue 1.
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