The article is about the concept of 'perfect Man' (Mard-e-Kamil) as presented by the great sufi poet Mian Muhammad Baksh. The Idea of the 'Perfect Man' is uite old in Muslim philosophy. It has its roots in Plato's concept of the 'Philosopher King' and Islamic idea of a 'Prophet' , but it finds its highest development in the speculations of Ibn-e-Arabi, Al-Jalili and Rumi, The 'Perfect Man' is a developed personality having complete true freedom and immortality. Today the workd needs that true man whose vision produces a commotion in the world of thought. Mian Muhammad Baksh explains the ualities of the 'Perfect Man' as young, brave and strong Prince Saif-ul-Malook looks like the 'Perfect Man' who fights bravely facing al kinds of problems. He has no fear; and no difficulty can upset him. Also death cannot frighten him because of the developed state of ego. Physical death looks pleasant to him.

ڈاکٹرصغراصدف. (2016) میاں محمد بخش دا مردِ کامل دا تصور, Punjab Rung, Volume, Volume.
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