This research endeavour lays emphasis on the role of
translation in creating an environment, conducive to international
confraternity. It, by making a robust analysis of breaking down of
cultural barears and the emergance of globalized corporatocracy,
highlights the ways by which an intra-cultural as well as inter-cultural
interaction can be facilitated. Moreover, it suggests various platforms:
the dialogues between scholars from different cultures, a consistent
communication between the source language and target language texts,
i.e. which may help in ending cultural deadlocks and play their role in
bringing various nations vis-a-vis. It concludes that translation is a prerequisite for inter-cultural exposure, leading to international
Shaharyar Haider. (2015) Translation: A Sine Qua Non for International Confraternity, Journal of Research ( Humanities), Volume LI, Issue 1.
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