Human society has number of customs, traditions and norms which affect every individual in a unique and different way. These customs and traditions are not totally beneficial nor detrimental in its original shape, but the circumstances make them the one or the other. These effects are faced and felt by each individual but Poets or writers being the most sensitive people of the society feel them seriously and they raise their voices against the tragedies faced by human beings in society through their imaginative works. Rajinder Singh Bidi is a famous Urdu Short Story writer and his stories contain all the resumptions of the society the human lives and behaviours. This article sheds light on the voices of Bidi against those social norms which are harmful to human beings.

Dr Naqeeb, Dr Munaza Mubeen. (2020) راجندر سنگھ بیدی کی تخلیقات میں معاصر معاشرت کی بازیافت؛ ایک محاکمہ, IDRAK, Volume 12, Issue 2.
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