Euthanasia is bioethical dilemma. Different countries are struggling for its legalization. The Proponents consider that Euthanasia is against the dignity of human being and everyone has right to relie ... Read More

Allah SWT has declared mankind as the most beautiful creation and for proving this he has sworn by four things. As he made the men strong and in charge, while on the other hand women are the most beau ... Read More

In books of Ahadith we can find many quotations from Torah. These quotations are very interesting for a student of religious studies. This article is a study of Such Ahadith from the book “Al Zuhad”, ... Read More

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ishaq Mansoori is a prominent scholar of Arabic and Islamic studies who played a vital role in the promotion of Arabic language and literature in Pakistan. Dr. Mansoori is a great I ... Read More

Allah (swt) has elevated man to the highest position in all creation, and bestwed upon him the bounty of reason and knowledge. An in depth study of knowledge itself reveals that, there are two forms a ... Read More

The focus of this research is to present the Quranic teachings about Interstate relations in the light of the opinions given by the Quranic commentators. The objective is to draw conclusive guidelines ... Read More

Islam is an universal religion which has determined duties and rights of every individual for the betterment, stability, peace and reformation of an individual as well as society. No matter if they ar ... Read More

Change and development started with the creation of universe and human being. The society got developed and advanced, depended on the experiences of man in the past, environmental situation, relations ... Read More

The word Dir is derived from Sanskrit language, which means a place of worship or a monastery. The Greek would call Dir as "Goraaye". At some point in the past the word "yaghestᾱn" was used as the nam ... Read More

Prayer is the first duty after faith, which has to be offered five times a day. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) declared it to be the Pivot of Islam and the sublimity of a Muslim. That is why the Holy Quran ... Read More

The term Sufism is related as mysticism which has assumed in Islam. Although it is not so much a set of doctrine but as a mode of feelings in the religious and spiritual domain. Sufism is based on pie ... Read More

The Holy Quran is one of the Prove of the Prophethood of the Muhammad S(SAW). It is the greatest miracle of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and as a challenge to the human beings and jins, no one could bring a ... Read More

Providing its services in accordance with the principles of Shariah and maintaining the trust of stakeholders is essential for the existence of Islamic financial institutions. Islamic banks should be ... Read More

This research paper examines the attitude of People’s Republic of China towards Kashmir conflict. Chinese leaders have been evolving their own strategy towards the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Chinese ... Read More

Historiography in Pre-Islamic India was a neglected discipline because the Hindus had no interest with historiography as the world history is considered the invention of Greeks and they are considered ... Read More

Gender distribution in all creatures is a sign of Nature. For human guide it seems to realize the gender division that is found distinctive in physical nature, man and woman with entirely different ph ... Read More

The translation of the term is considered one of the biggest problems that hinder the translator’s work as it includes cultural terms, since the translation of the term requires the translator to be f ... Read More

The tradition and history of writing travelogues in Urdu language is not more than one hundred years old. There are also a large number of travelogues of Hajj and Umrah towards the Holy Hijaz in Urdu ... Read More

It is obvious that there is no book in history that has received the attention of researchers as well as the Quran, which was written about thousands of books, and was taken care of by Muslims in diff ... Read More

Allah Ta’ala has declared Nikah with some women Haram due to His specific wisdom. Some of those women cannot be taken in Nikah for some time while the others can never be wedded to some men forever. T ... Read More

Judaism is a racial religion because in Jewish sacred literature the Isaiah have always been addressed. Even the God is addressed as the God Isaiah and Isaiah is declared as the favorite people of God ... Read More

Providing its services in accordance with the principles of Shariah and maintaining the trust of stakeholders is essential for the existence of Islamic financial institutions. Islamic banks should be ... Read More

Crimes against women include many crimes, but this research paper focuses on rape cases and seeks to find out when television channels cover rape cases, what are the consequences of it, how they affec ... Read More

Inheritance law is a very important element in the teachings of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, through which a unique system of wealth distribution is created and the society is saved from falling i ... Read More

NEP (New Economic Policy) is the positive process of the Malaysian government for the rehabilitation of social and economic non-balances between the large ethnic groups in multi-racial society. As Mus ... Read More

Prof. Dr. Ihsan-ul-Haq was a prominent scholars of Arabic and Islamic studies who played a vital role in the promotion of Arabic language and literature and awaking of Muslim nation in in Pakistan. Dr ... Read More

The success and failure of man is based on standard of Islam and the rejection/ denial of Islam. It is very delicate and crucial/ decisive issue because all the commandments of Sharia (Islamic law) ar ... Read More

Promotional activities (e.g. advertising, promotional gifts, promotional contests) are the key roots of Marketing which play a vital role to create consumer awareness about the products and services a ... Read More

Among the efforts made by Ullama (the Shariah Scholars), the work done in the field of Quranic sciences, is the prominent one, which is a vast science with various branches. These Ullama have worked o ... Read More

Nowadays, in order to understand the Shari'ah rules regarding the spread of the coronavirus and the precautions to be taken against it, it seems appropriate to consider the following points: The cause ... Read More

In Islamic law of Business rules, there is a terminology of “Muqassah”, which in Arabic etymology means, Debt settlement by a contra transaction when someone is indebted to a person and this person in ... Read More

One of the biggest challenges that the world is currently facing is that of environmental pollution, which is causing grave and irreparable harm to the natural world and human civilization. Worldwide ... Read More

Sindh province has large number of its governmental institutions, where Islamic studies is being taught as compulsory subject by large number of teachers... This research presents a focused brief intr ... Read More

The words and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the speech and approval that is found in the religion besides the Quran, The terms Sunnah and hadith are common for this. They are u ... Read More

Human life has undergone significant social structural change thanks to the development of communication and information technology. It has also brought people around the world closer together as a gl ... Read More

This study examines the association between job satisfaction, organizational commitment and emotional intelligence of secondary school teachers of District Lasbela. The study adopted quantitative rese ... Read More

Sufi poetry have great influence on the lives of the people of Punjab in Pakistan and among the several important Sufis are famous due to their literary services which they have contributed in the rec ... Read More

This study is about soft skills among leaders in an organization. Most studies on individual skills are done by researchers from a Western perspective. While studies on soft skills based on the perspe ... Read More

Seerah Nigari is considered one of the important initial patterns and styles of Muslim‘s historiography in early Islamic era and the several Muslim Historians worked on Seerah. Countless biographers w ... Read More

The honour based violence comprises homicide as well as assault, rape, confinement, acid attacks, forced marriage, and female infanticide. The causal effect to maintain honour is attached to behavior ... Read More

This study probes the relationship between Iqbal’s concept of khudi and experiential learning during early childhood. This qualitative and exploratory study employs Colaizzi’s method for content analy ... Read More

There are many contemporary issues which are discussed in the Interpretation fahmul Quran by Mian Muhammad Jameel but in this article some of them are discussed: The destination of Zakat, How many peo ... Read More

Ahmed bin Al-Hussain bin Ahmed bin Abi Al- Maali bin Mansoor bin Ali Sheikh Shams Al- Din bin Al-Khabbaz Al-Arabi Al- Mosili, the blind grammarian. He was a brilliant personality having expertise gram ... Read More

Ibn Al-Saati lived in the second half of the sixth century A.H. He was born in 553 A,H and died in 604 A.H. This era witnessed important political events; like the fall of Fatimid state in Egypt and t ... Read More

The Literature is going to transform into a Universal Brand and to produce a Continental Version. Arabic and English needs to have Literary Covenant of cross cultural Studies. The Field of “Comparativ ... Read More

A metaphor is the use of a word in a non-original meaning to a similar relationship with evidence that is prohibited from the original meaning. It is known that the metaphor is not understood without ... Read More

Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al- Asqalani (1372- 1449) is one of the most prominent literary figure, writer and Islamic scholar of fourteenth century in Muslim world. Fath al Bari is the most celebrated Hadith ... Read More

This study aims to explain the foundations of the critical methodology of Imam Al-Alusi in his recantation of Imam Al- Fakhar Al-Razi opinions. The researcher chose this topic to conduct a study on it ... Read More

This topic studies the importance of recognizing that mistakes and flaws are the ones, which train humans and strengthen them. It is a noted fact that the reason behind the development of every nation ... Read More

Taking into account the major development of various kinds of social media channels and the convenient access of every individual without restrictions or regulations, the life has become meaningless w ... Read More

This research is an attempt to trace and corelate the evolution of short story in the Arabic and Urdu languages besides highlighting contributions made by the most prominent pioneers and the trends pr ... Read More

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the world. The beneficent, the merciful, the owner of the day of judgment and there is no God, but he, the most gracious and merciful. This article urges on the methodologi ... Read More

The topic of society's role in combating crime (enjoining good and forbidding evil) is very important in achieving the interest of the nation and its salvation. If it has been neglected, the society w ... Read More

The Life History of “Al-Imam Al-Zamakhshari”, His Personality, His Acquisition of Knowledge and His landmark services in the Arabic Language and its Literature generally and His I’tizali/ Mu’tazilite ... Read More

Kaab Bin Zuhair is one of the those important literary personalities who played a vital role in the field of Arabic poetry in pre-Islamic & Islamic era. This article deals with the status of the famou ... Read More

Islam is the religion of moderationism. Islam is easiest and vast religion. It is based on moderationism and pure from any exaggeration. Islam is such a religion, which encompasses all the human trait ... Read More

There is no doubt that there is no corner of civilization in which Muslims have not made significant progress. But most of his accomplishments are reflected in the architecture and its supporting arts ... Read More

The beginning of seerah writing had been started with the beginning of the Holy Quran. Sahaba (RA) and sahabiat (RA) were preserving the every moment of the Holy Prophet in the form of Ahadees for the ... Read More

The particular nature of partition of India left the different religious communities with strainedrelations.The bloody backdrop made an imperative on the newly independent nation to sort out the major ... Read More

In this article it is examined that end of the British Raj and the independence of India and Pakistan which took place on August 14 and 15, 1947 seems one of modern history's real transformation.This ... Read More

Ibn e Taimiyya (661-728/1263-1327) is one of the leading personalities in the history of Islam. He struggled hard to revive Muslim society through a new spirit of ijtihad, based on the Qur'an and the ... Read More

Imam Abdul Wahab Sha'rani (3 AH) and Shah Waliullah (3 AH) made it clear by unveiling the history of jurisprudential differences, its status and nature and the wisdom hidden in them that this differen ... Read More

Islam is the universal religion for the mankind and Allah almighty revealed Holy Quran as the last revealed book and a complete code of life for human being. The beginning of Islamic historiography is ... Read More

This paper aims at how the roots of national vernaculars and cultures directly strengthen the psychological and historical research. This is an internal and external study of history from another poin ... Read More

“Scores of books are being written embellishing them with pictures and maps of the holy places mentioned in the Holy Qur’ān; these are not mere ornamentation, rather they augment understanding with ... Read More

Islam is a religion of peace, justice, tolerance, and equality. So it does not like any kind of chaos. Backbiting is an action that invites evils. These evils have a negative effect, which affects the ... Read More

Tax violation in Pakistan is very high that has led to deteriorated economic situation and lack of public service delivery. The four variables of tax morale are; feelings of guilt and shame; lack of t ... Read More

Golden Era of Muslim Spain was tremendously progressive in every filed of life, especially in the field of education. Muslim caliphs took keen interest in the development of education. Scholars from a ... Read More

The Holy Qur’an is the eternal miracle of Allah revealed on his beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This book is a miracle from many perspectives, which provides complete knowledge, detail of creation, h ... Read More

Rhetoric is the conformity of speech with the eloquence of its vocabulary and its compounds according to the situation, that surrounds the speech is called the situational context. This includes the t ... Read More

This article titled “The Ways to protect Five Necessaries in Islamic Law” has been elaborated and explained in detail that how the basic and necessaries can be protected in Islamic Law. These necessar ... Read More

Imam Shahab Uddin Al-Alusi(1270 AH) was aditinguished Scholar of 13th century Hijri and he is famous for his Tafseer “Roohul Maani fi Tafseer al Quran al Azeem wa Al-Sabe Al-Mathani” which is consider ... Read More