Unity is the strength of nations. Only those countries can compete and survive where people are united and patriot. Islam is a complete code of life. It provides guidance in all walks of life. Unfortu ... Read More

Holy Qur’an is the last revealed book of Allah Almighty.Our Creator has given complete code of life in it. From the very first day of its revelation, interpretation and explanation of Holy verses star ... Read More

Genetics is the study of heredity principles and their relative mechanisms or the process of traits are transferred from parents to next generations. Biotechnologists can help the families to solves t ... Read More

Ibn-e-Syed Alnas is one of the famous scholar and biography writers. His book "Ouon-ul-Asr" is among the primary resources of Seerat . There is found some research work about this book and there are t ... Read More

We are all aware of environmental benefits of trees. They provide shelter and food for animals, purify the air of pollution and regulate the temperature.Trees play a critical role in the quality of hu ... Read More

Abrogation is the basic dispute between Islam and Judaism. Jewish's point of view is that it is impossible to be abrogated the word of God. While Islamic resources claim it as a normal procedure of sh ... Read More

Allah SWT has created the mankind for a practical teste. In order to prepare them in the best possible way and also to help them remain on the righteous path, Allah SWT sent a chain of prophets to per ... Read More

Money has always been used for transactions in human societies. And it has been used in different ways in different times, such as gold, silver, dirhams and dinars. The concept of money has become ver ... Read More

One of the most important qualities bestowed on man is the ability to speak, which enables him to communicate with his peers, to convey his remorse to them, and to understand their remorse. Nazq is ba ... Read More

Describing the status of the Quranic Education in Sindh's Government Institutions is an important matter which will be resolved according to suggestions of well-versed and experts of education. Thus I ... Read More

Islam gives special importance to the relation between husband and wife .In Islamic teaching emphasis has been laid to keep intact the conjugal relation to every possible extent .But if in the even ... Read More

A human depends on other human for their happiness and long life, that’s why a human is called a social animal. Speech is the only thing through which human shows their value/worth in the society. A h ... Read More

Endurane 0f Muslims and Islam lies in the Quran till Muslim will remain associated with tha teachings of Quran they will remain honourable in the world that is the reason why righteous seholars use to ... Read More

The moral, religious, political and economic situation of the world was the darkest and lowest before the establishment of the Islamic society consisting of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah ... Read More

Peaceful atomic production is generally separated into five fundamental territories: extraction and preparing of atomic crude materials, the creation of advanced uranium, generation of atomic fuel com ... Read More

Research on war and its subsequent division into five key generations has led to a better understanding of the social and academic world and how countries are at war today and how they are coping with ... Read More

This examination was intended to look into the Text books of Islamic Studies for auxiliary schools in Karachi. The examination secured the significant components of the Text books of Islamic Studies, ... Read More

Humans work from dawn to dusk to fulfil the everyday needs of live. They encounter numerous problems when taking them to completion. This is how the human beings are lacking their rights in the world. ... Read More

This study aims to find out the purpose of Islamic Schools and to investigate that if the practices are aligned with the purpose. Farther more to explore the challenges, Islamic school’s administratio ... Read More

The topic has its own importance particularly in backdrop of our philosophy of life as a nation and as a state, based on brotherhood, peace and prosperity. This philosophy of life teaches people of Pa ... Read More

This article aims to present national and international literature review with the object to highlight the scope and reasons to spread the concept of ADR. It has been highlighted in this article that ... Read More

The Noble Qur’an is the primary source of Islamic Shariah and is the origin of the principles for Islamic legislation, rulings, and secrets. This research tends to examine the principles of inference ... Read More

Arabic is the language of the holy Qura’n which was sent for the guidance of the entire humanity. Thus, Arabic has become the language of Islam. Since arrival of Islam in the Subcontinent, the Muslims ... Read More

This study aims to explore the contributions and efforts made by one of the most prominent intellectuals and theologians of the Indian subcontinent, Imam Shah Waliullah Dehlawi through his annotated P ... Read More

Optimism and pessimism are two major terms used to reflect the attitude of a writer in his work which also deeply affect his readers. On the basis of the above approaches, these are called either opti ... Read More

The Life History of “ Jurji Zaydan ”, His Personality and His landmark services in the Arabic Language and its Literature generally and History of Islam and Arabic Literature particularly are enlighte ... Read More

Hazrat Makhdoom Mohammad Hashim Thattavi was an internationally renowned great scholar, narrator and capable of speech poet of Sindh. His publications are in Arabic, Persian, and Sindhi languages. He ... Read More

The research shows the status of AL-Elal in hadith sciences in general, It gives us rules for knowing the judgment of the singular narrator who is different in it in particular, The research was divid ... Read More

Shaykh Ghulam Rasool Saeedi was a prominent Scholars of the contemporary era. His tafseer Tibyan ul Quran is very famous for his comprehensiveness and due to discussion on modern issues and challanges ... Read More

Maulana Azad's real name was Mohiuddin Ahmed and his surname was Azad. He was born in Makkah in 1888. In 1895, when he was eight years old, he returned to India with his family. He received his early ... Read More

This paper is a semantical and narratological study through the titles of The Time of White Horses, a novel by Ibrahim Nasrallah. The novel significantly contains a rich number of sections and chapter ... Read More

Imam al-Marghinani is one of the imams who are diligent and the top scholars and jurists admired him on his position, The Scholars appreciated him, when we see the commitment of some scholar to read a ... Read More

The Environment is the place where our fathers and ancestors lived, and our children and future generation will live and it is a trust in our hands to protect it for the sake of its safety and future ... Read More

Morality and moral values are phenomena that are universally applicable to all humans. Basic moral values are accepted by all humans universally, regardless of their religion, race, or the region that ... Read More

The Persian language has been of interest to interpreters since early in the Islamic history, and there is a possibility that something from the Holy Quran was translated into Persian in the life of t ... Read More

Marriage is a basic and important unit of human life. Mankind has been intact because of marriage as world would have been barren if there was no marriage. That's why this article discusses the contem ... Read More

This paper aims to discuss the financial responsibilities of wealthy people in unusual circumstances. Islam is a complete code of life. Economic issues of humanity are resolved by Islamic Shariah. Hol ... Read More

The Holy Qur'an is an expression of Allah uncovered to His Last Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and is a unique writing for social and live science investigates. The heavenly Qur'an has an assortment of therapeu ... Read More

South Asian economies are largely based on remittances. Every year a large number of migrants migrate from their countries to different destination and they send remittances to their home lands. This ... Read More

Qazi Muhammd Zahid al Hussani) Late) of District Attock was a great Quranic interpreter, narrator of Hadith, jurisprudent, orator and saint of his time. His whole family has famous for religious servi ... Read More

Teacher training institutes across Pakistan are pivotal to equip the secondary students with core knowledge and professional skill set. It is imperative in this contect to measure how teacher training ... Read More

This study seeks to explore the working of Ghazalian nafs e lawwama and Freudian superego in The Scarlet Letter. The psychoanalytical interpretation explicitly deals with the remarkable impact of nafs ... Read More

Monopoly is very important in Financing methods many Banks provide vehicle Facility to their clients under lease Financing while the issues and rules of monopoly are present in Great Detail in Jurispr ... Read More

Birds a beautiful, rather the most beautiful creation in the world. They are called Tāir as well as Taer. The obvious reason for calling them birds is the feathers on their bodies that give them the a ... Read More

The Last Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the most beloved personality in the Universe. ALLAH Almighty Himself sends blessings to him. Companions the most dignified nobilities also Loved a lot to the Holy Pr ... Read More

Molana Muhammad Tahir Panjpiri was born in 1916 in Panjpir, Swabi. He was the disciple of Molana Ubaidullah Sindhi and Molana Hussain Ali for the Quranic Studies. He had a unique style of call towards ... Read More

These days, there are many families’ issues spreading in the society that start to divorce and disturbed family. Therefore, the research tries to struggle how to illuminate these issues from the mind ... Read More

The purpose of this study is to review the education system of Pakistan interms of its ideology and practices since 1947 as well as its effects on Nation's life, Ideology, Culture and attitude of the ... Read More

ALLAH Almighty is the absolute authority in legislation. His principle commandments exist in every walk of human life. The Islamic sharia is quiet in some of the areas of human life. Here it seems tha ... Read More

Sayyad Qutb is a personality who has influenced many through his views and ideologies. He was an Egyptian author, educator, Islamic theorist, poet and leading member of Muslim Brotherhood. He has writ ... Read More

In this article the necessity of the Mortgage will be discussed in the light of Qur’an, Sunnah, Ijma-e-Umma and religious researchers. Mortgage is a necessary issue for all sort of business as is used ... Read More

This article is about dispute resolution practices in Islamic World, which briefly discusses the different civilizations in various times and in different Muslim Countries i.e. Egypt, Saudi Arabia Jor ... Read More

Allah swt has commanded the Muslims to remain united and has forbidden sectarianism upon them so that the Muslims can live in love and harmony with each other. In the early days of Islam all quarrels ... Read More

The social system in the tribal areas of Pakistan consists of many traditions. These traditions help them in settling down various regional and private matters. If we analysis these traditions, we fin ... Read More

“Apartheid" is the term to describe the sightings and practical approaches of the State of Israel is a key issue in modern international political problems. South Africa has demonstrated the state of ... Read More

This research paper attempts to offer a broader analysis of South Asian security complexes through the prism of RSCT. Buzan and Ole used South Asia as a prime case for developing the Regional Security ... Read More

“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore, the righteous women are Q ... Read More

Sufis, upholding the legacy of Prophets’, played an eminent role in spreading the religion of Islam. Through righteousness of character, conduct and their Sufi Literature, Sufis infused the teachings ... Read More

Nobody can deny this fact that Muslims believe that the Prophet (ﷺ) communicated the religion to the world in two forms, the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith which called Sunnah as well. The contents of the ... Read More

The child’s literature is those artistic monuments that depicts thoughts, feeling and imagination with special reference to the children’s perceptions. Usually it is in the form of story, poems, poetr ... Read More