This paper analyzed various socio-psychological orientations of the Iranian undergraduate students towards learning English. The research focused on what are considered as the two most important so ... Read More

This study was conducted on students enrolled at Institute of Education and Research (IER), when they were taking their course on teaching practice. The purpose of the study was bringing forth the ... Read More

The study investigated the relationship between emotional intelligence and psychological adjustment in nurses serving in emergency and non-emergency wards of private and government hospitals. Sampl ... Read More

The present study was conducted to investigate stress appraisal and psychological distress in medical professionals working in emergency units in different teaching hospitals in Lahore. It was hypo ... Read More

NEO-FFI as translated in Urdu in the National Institute of Psychology was used on 452 undergraduate students in Pakistan. Item-analysis revealed that the response pattern of the students was differ ... Read More

The present study was undertaken to explore the reactions to personal space invasions among university students, by using field experiment method. A checklist of compensatory behaviors was develope ... Read More

The investigation aimed to identify perceived stress and coping strategies in headache (migraine and tension) patients. Gender differences were also explored. The sample consisted of 40 headache pa ... Read More

The primary purpose of this study was to examine the influences of television viewing, gender and academic achievement on adjustment among the school going children. In this investigation, the infl ... Read More

The present study aimed to examine perceived stress, academic workloads, and coping strategies used by the students studying under the semester system. It was hypothesized that: there is a positive ... Read More

The present study aimed at investigating the impact of authoritarian and authoritative parenting in home, health and emotional adjustment. Moreover, the study explored the relationship of parenting ... Read More

Present study aimed to identify learning difficulties among children enrolled in Government / public sector schools in Pakistan. Two indigenously designed questionnaires were used for data collecti ... Read More