The present study aimed to examine perceived stress,
academic workloads, and coping strategies used by the
students studying under the semester system. It was
hypothesized that: there is a positive relationship between
academic workload and perceived stress among students;
academic workload and perceived stress would predict the
type of coping strategies used by the students. The sample
included 150 masters’ level science students. Perceived
stress scale, a self designed academic workload scale and
coping strategies questionnaire (CSQ, Kausar, 2005) were
used for assessment. Students completed assessment
measures in the presence of researcher. Correlation and
regression analyses were used to analyze the data. Positive
relationship was found between academic workloads and
perceived stress. Academic workload showed positive
relationship with active practical coping strategies and
negative relationship with active distractive and avoidance
coping. Perceived stress had negative relationship with
practical coping and negative relationship with avoidance
coping. Academic workloads predicted perceived stress
among students. The findings have important implications
for students in higher education and highlight the
importance of counseling in the higher education
institutions which in turn may help improve their academic
Rukhsana Kausar. (2010) Perceived Stress, Academic Workloads and Use of Coping Strategies by University Students, Journal of Behavioural Sciences, Volume 2 0, Issue 1.
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