The Quran is the holiest book of Islam. Muslims believe that this book contains guidance on every issue related to their lives. Such as politics, economics, religion and ethics. We get a lot of guidan ... Read More

The linguistic research of Punjabi language starts with the European scholars. William Jones not only collected information of other Indian languages but also for Punjabi language. Hence, William jott ... Read More

Mechanical civilisation bestowed a destiny upon man which has many negative facets too. one of them is loneliness, which is a state of solitude or being alone. In this condition, people feel empty, un ... Read More

Molana Hafiz Muhammad Abdul Majeed (1885-1962) is one of the notable Punjabi poets from Jehlum. He was a prolific Sufi poet of Punjabi, Urdu and Persian. His Punjabi poetry is being published regular ... Read More

Mirza Sahiban is the renown folk story of Punjabi language. It has an important place in the history of Punjabi literature having been written by different poets in different times. That’s why we see ... Read More

Love for the Land and people is natural phenomina. Our Land has been clutches by the clothes of invaders in past. This land was packed with treasures. Its Soil grew gold. Its rivers flow floodly and s ... Read More

There is a deep connection between the Punjabi and Urdu language. Writers and poets of both languages embraced each other's profound influences. This article will critically examine the intellectual s ... Read More

Myth is as old as human civilization;It has adorned and will adorn every age of human civilization. To understand any culture, these myths gave us the inner depiction of thoughts. Its also called the ... Read More

The Novel is reflection of society. It has great importance in literature. It started with the Italian language. the Novel moved from English tu urdu and tehn Punjabi language. After independance of P ... Read More

Bhagat Kabir saint and mystic poet belong to 15th century. He was one of the Bhagati movement followers through which he gave the message of equality, love and peace. His poetry was in the genre of Do ... Read More

Several themes of mysticism in the folk literature. Various themes and topics creep into the folk literature only when those become privileged enough to be accepted by the general society and people a ... Read More