Guru Nanak is the founder of Sikh religion. He presented his philosophy through his poetry. He dealt with a large number of philosophical, religious, political and social issues of the prevalent socie ... Read More

Tanvir Bukhari, as a poet, researcher and critic, has a special significance in Punjabi Language and Literature. In this research article, different subjects of his Punjabi poetry have been discussed. ... Read More

Fakir Fasalabadi is a reverend name in punjabi poetry. His poetry is characterized by almost all the aspects of human life and society. In his poetry folk hue is prominent along with the combination o ... Read More

Society in broader sense is divided in two class groups, Poor and Rich. The rich goup is always associated with ruling elite because their interests are served within that circle. The so-called religi ... Read More

Government College Lahore was established in 1864 while the first literary magazine "The Ravi" was published in January 1906 which was published monthly. The Punjabi-Persian script in "The Ravi" start ... Read More

In this article, the symbolism in Baba Farid's poetry is being analyzed through his Sufi thoughts. His life and symbols are also described briefly. In his poetry, religion, moral values, humility, tol ... Read More

This research article expresses meaningful thought of Pakistani Punjabi writers who always resist against poverty and disappointment , backwardness, economic and social injustice, mutilation of real s ... Read More

Movement is the name of such a force and ideology that breaks the status quo process. There are different movements but in this article the beginning of literal movement, especially Progressive movem ... Read More

Baba Fareed and Guru Nanak are two great poets of Punjabi Languages who wanted to reform the Punjabi society through their poetry. They are not only preacher of their religions as it is commonly belie ... Read More

This articles is an attempt to apply the theory of narratology to Punjabi Literature. Starting from an event, various elements of a narrative - which include the clock time, experiential or human time ... Read More

Article "Vaar Jaimal Phatta"were real brothers and were residents of Garh Chittor. Raja Jaimal was servant in the Court of King Akbar who rose a high position in very short period of time.As a result, ... Read More

Hazrat Sultan Bahoo R.A is a unique and versatile classical Punjabi Sufi poet. His mother gave him the name "Ba-Hoo" (Hoo wala). Later this word "Hoo" became his identity and specialty. He used this w ... Read More