مقالے کی قسم

Tazkirah is one of the most significant and inattentive genre of Urdu literature.these tazkaray reflects the poetic situation of respective Eras (periods) effectively. Structure of different genres like criticism, biography, history and reseach is mainly based on Tazkirahs. Initially Tazkirahs of Urdu poets were written in Persian. It can also be estimated by their number that help can be sought in connection with the conditions of the old poets and their poetry and such examples are there in our literary research asset. Research and criticism on this genre of literarture is also important.so, in this article effort has been made to collect all those books, prefaces and research articles which are related to this topic. As research and criricism on Tazkirahs is also a considerable aspect of literature Under consideration thesis identifiesthe currently available material according to year of publication for prominenting the dimention of work done on Tazkirahs.

Dr. Anila Saleem, Dr. Shagufta Firdous. (2020) Urdu Tazkira ---- Research and Criticism, Makhz (Research Journal) , Volume 1, Issue 3.
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