Aqueous fresh shoot extracts of 200 plant species from 47 plant families were evaluated for their herbicidal activities on Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Chenopodium murale L. Foliar applications of 192 extracts reduced shoot dry weight and height of A. retroflexus and all extracts reduced both growth parameters of C. murale under glasshouse conditions. Extract of Ruta graveolens L. was the most phytotoxic; showed burning, stunting, yellowing and death of some seedlings of both weeds. The same extract, failed to control both weed species compared with full rate (0.4kg a.i/ha) of paraquat under field conditions. However, a mixture of this weed extract with low rate (0.05kg a.i./ha) of paraquat effectively controlled both weeds and similar to the herbicide used alone at a full rate. It was concluded that a mixture of R. graveolens extract with a reduced rate of paraquat was effective against both weed species and could be used instead of full strength application of the herbicide in the field as a more eco-friendly and less coasty method of herbicide application.

Loai Jamal Al-Batsh , Jamal Ragheb Qasem. (2020) PHYTOTOXICITY OF WILD PLANTS EXTRACTS TO REDROOT PIGWEED (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) AND NETTLE-LEAVED GOOSEFOOT (Chenopodium murale L.), Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 6.
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