To find a possible Agave honey biotechnological alternative, it was used as a supplement in a MS medium and the effect was analyzed under in vitro and ex vitro conditions on Opuntia genotypes. More i ... Read More

Significance of sugarcane crop is well recognized around the world. Farmers in Pakistan are growing sugarcane for multiple benefits such as sugar, fodder, ethanol production, chipboard, molasses, and ... Read More

Plant roots represent highly unexplored biological frontier. Roots metabolically produce remarkably diverse group of bioactive compounds which functions as phytoalexins (parasite growth inhibitor), p ... Read More

The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of different levels of energy and lysine on production performance of laying hens. For this purpose, 448 laying hens of body weight 1560±60 grams ... Read More

To increase the production capacity of the existing inland aquaculture system of Pakistan, there is a dire need for the introduction of high-value fish species with growth potential at intensified st ... Read More

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of chop lengths of berseem fodder on dry matter intake (DMI), water intake, milk production, milk composition and nutrients digestibility in ... Read More

Residual biopolymers in the distiller's grains (DGs) can be used as a protein source in animal husbandry. Aimed at this, nine probiotics strains including Bacillus methylotrophicus, Bacillus subtilis ... Read More

This research work was conducted to design an algorithm for the biogas digester and demonstration of modern techniques to enrich the bio-methanation process. Initially, algorithms were generated and ... Read More

Brown leaf spot (BLS), Bipolaris oryzae is one of the emerging threats to the rice crop. Its infection caused deficiency of minerals contents in rice crop. Therefore, current study was designed to de ... Read More

Socioeconomic influences of tourism on four conifer tree species i.e. Pinus wallichiana A.B.Jackson, Pinus roxburghii Sarg, Cedrus deodara. (Roxb.) G. Donf and Abies pindrow (Royle ex D.Don) Royle of ... Read More

Urban parks are considered as the most valuable component of green structure in cities. They are providers of ecosystem services (provisional, regulation, support, and cultural) in urban areas. They ... Read More

Pakistan is growing banana on a significant area but yield and profit is low as compared to other banana producing regions of the world due to banana bunchy top virus (BBTV), disease infected plantin ... Read More

Cucumber, (Cucumis sativus L.) is an essential vegetable crop globally. A field study was conducted to assess morphological diversity of cucumber germplasm at Vegetable Research Area, Institute of Ho ... Read More

Multi-location trialsin breeding program of any crop are important to find the genotype × environment interaction and selection of supreme genotypes across different environments. Present study was c ... Read More

Diabetes mellitus is a diverse ailment which is portrayed by flawed working of pancreas other than aggravated fat and starch digestion. It is an executioner malady which is all inclusive influencing ... Read More

A three phase study was conducted for the determination of phytotoxic effect of Astragalus spp. (milkvetch or goat's-thorn) on the emergence and seedling growth of chickpea. In phase I, Astragalus wh ... Read More

The current study was carried out in order to assess the effects of micronutrients (B, Fe, Zn) on the yield and quality of Kinnow (Citrus reticulata Blanco). Citrus is an important fruit crop of Paki ... Read More

Sunflower is one of the most cultivated oil seed crop in the world. Hence, the adaptation strategies for sunflower production and food security are crucial for mitigating the negative impacts of clim ... Read More

Phosphorus (P) is the second most important nutrient after nitrogen (N) required to plants for optimum growth and development. For alkaline and calcareous soils, the phosphorus use efficiency ranges ... Read More

Agriculture land suitability plays an important role in sustainable agriculture production by improving the use of current land resources and in the identification of new land that maybe prepare for ... Read More

Climate change plays a key role in wheat production. The objective of this study was to identify and select efficient parents and cross combinations based on general and specific combining ability un ... Read More

Cotton is severely affected by heat stress in most parts of Pakistan which results in poor quality and low cotton yield. Sixty cotton strains were screened against heat stress on the basis of cellula ... Read More

Herbicides are the chemicals used to kill unwanted plants or weeds which can compete with main crop for light, water and other useful nutrients. Two types of herbicides i.e. selective and non-selecti ... Read More

In the present study, we investigated two Pseudomonas species strains (P. fluorescens SBW25 and P. putida KT2440) for their use in plant tolerance under salt stressed condition. Barley (Hordeum vulga ... Read More

Field based assessment of wheat rust resistance was conducted for 29 advanced CIMMYT wheat lines and local checks across three locations of Pakistan vz. Peshawar, Mansehra and Bannu, complemented wit ... Read More

Aqueous fresh shoot extracts of 200 plant species from 47 plant families were evaluated for their herbicidal activities on Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Chenopodium murale L. Foliar applications of 1 ... Read More

The current study focusing to solve the water quality in aquaculture system by manufacturing the magnetic unit with different magnetic flux density 2500 µT and 3500 µT, As well as, study the effect o ... Read More

The knowledge of relationship between fruit yield and its components certainly helps to improve the efficiency of a breeding program with appropriate selection criteria. In current study, interrelati ... Read More

The recent proliferation of agricultural activities (farming and grazing of animals) within hospital premises is a major concern, leading our team of researchers to conjecture that such an environmen ... Read More

Under low phosphorus (P) availability, plants change their root physiology and release more protons and carboxylates to acquire P from residual sources. This ability differs among genotypes. In this ... Read More

The irrigation with sewage wastewater is a severe threat for the existence of soil macro faunal communities. For this reason, it is a dire need to uphold their virtue for future concern. Current rese ... Read More

Nitrogen management is a major challenge in the environment due toNO3 - leaching and volatilization. To address this problem, a lysimeter experiment was conducted for rice-wheat with two lower N ra ... Read More

Radish is a direct seeded vegetable crop of both temperate and tropical regions. Crop stand depends on seed quality, besides other factors. Seed production of radish remained neglected in Pakistan an ... Read More

A survey-based study was conducted to analyze the current scenario of substrate usage in local ornamental plants nurseries of Punjab, Pakistan, during 2017, using stratified random sampling technique ... Read More

This study was carried out to determine the aromatic profiles of volatile compounds in the pulp of ‘Abbas’ fig variety by SPME headspace methods for (CAR/PDMS, PDMS, CAR/PDMS/DVB) procedure for GC/MS ... Read More

Tetrastigma hemsleyanum is a precious and rare traditional Chinese medicinal plant. Flavonoid is its main medicinal ingredient. Wild T. hemsleyanum (W-TH) growing in Zhejiang Province, China is recog ... Read More

This study aims to the evaluation of an extensively used decision support tool “Statistical Down Scaling Model” (SDSM) for assessment of future variation in Precipitation (PPT), Temperature maximum ( ... Read More

The combined effect of the plant derived aqueous smoke solution and the growth promoting rhizosphere bacteria on wheat was investigated in the present study. The bacterial strains (NCCP-549, 550, 551 ... Read More

Bacillus cereus is a gram positive, spore forming bacteria. It produces hemolytic and non-hemolytic enterotoxins, which lead to diarrhea, food poisoning and self-limiting gastrointestinal track (GIT) ... Read More

The present study was planned to determine the immunological response of Dera Din Panah (DDP) and Nachi breeds of goats towards artificial infection with Haemonchus (H.) contortus which is considered ... Read More

Agriculture is considered as the economic backbone of developing countries. Smart agriculture system can be implemented by adopting innovative technologies. The competition in the international marke ... Read More

Yield trials play an important role for screening the competing cultivars. Often researchers normally measure several characteristics, commonly called as “parameters”, related to yield for each culti ... Read More

The soil salinization in Indus Basin of Pakistan is becoming an important ecological unit among current issues. The use of poor quality groundwater for irrigation has aggravated the main problem of s ... Read More

Pakistan is facing the most horrible disasters of water scarcity since two decades. Due to which wastewater is directly used for agriculture without secondary and tertiary treatments which is affecti ... Read More

The present study was conducted at Water Management Research Farm, Renala Khurd, Okara, Punjab, Pakistan during 2015 and 2016 to determine the effect of different levels of nitrogen applied through s ... Read More

Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. (commonly known as Shisham in Pakistan) is a slow to medium growing tree having high economic importance due to its fine timber quality. It is in danger in Pakistan due to vari ... Read More

Soil compaction has been recognized as global problem affecting the soils throughout the world. More demands of food and wood with increased population, has resulted in intensive cultivation and incr ... Read More

Climate is changing around the globe due to increased concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Vachellia nilotica (L.) P.J.H. Hurter & Mabb., commonly known as babul, based agroforest ... Read More

Storage of grains and their merchandises are significant part of post-harvest maneuvers. Yearly losses of stored grains commodities as a result of numerous biotic factors are noteworthy in financial ... Read More

A 4 x 3 factorial experiment was performed to determine the effect of protein-to- energy (P/E) ratios for Labeo. rohita(rohu)fingerlings. Twelve experimental diets with four dietary protein (DP) leve ... Read More

The whitefly genus Bemisia was studied from the Punjab, Province of Pakistan. A total of 6 species viz., B. afer, B. elongata, B. giffardi, B. grossa, B. leakii and B. tabaci were identified from the ... Read More

Agriculture supports a large proportion of rural people working either as farmers, casual laborers, traders or hire service suppliers. The agricultural services such as land preparation, drill sowing ... Read More

Potato is an important vegetable in terms of domestic consumption and production in Pakistan. Despite increase in area and production, the potato industry performance is not up to its optimum level d ... Read More

Chloroesters of 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCPD) esters are potentially harmful heat-induced contaminants produced during processing. It was aimed to quantify 3-MCPD esters in processed foods an ... Read More

There has been a great upsurge in research era for use of natural medicines for good health and wellbeing. In this scenario, omega-3 fatty acid derived from natural sources have imperative health pot ... Read More

Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) has emerged a key health problem in Pakistan. It mostly affects the well-being of pregnant women and young children. Almost 1/3 children under the age of five years ... Read More

Olive leaves of eight varieties (Gemlik, Manzanilla, Sevillano, BARI-Zaitoon 1, BARI-Zaitoon 2, Earlik, Azerbaijan and Hamdi) procured from Barani Research Institute were processed to obtain olive le ... Read More

Water deficit reduces crop productivity. Cytokinin (CK) is a growth regulator which is a potent coordinator between physiological traits and senescence. A study was carried out to investigate the dro ... Read More

To investigate the combined effect of location, transplanting date and transplanting density on phenology, growth, yield and radiations use efficiency of rice, a 2-year experiment was conducted at 3 ... Read More

Food security and environmental protection have become major challenges under climate change scenario. Considerable efforts have been made to improve nitrogen use efficiency in crop plants. Codon opt ... Read More

Seven rapeseed genotypes were studied at nine different locations across Pakistan during two growing seasons 2015-16 and 2016-17 for the stability of seed yield. Experiments were conducted in randomi ... Read More

Alfalfa is the world’s best fodder due to its high protein, high calcium, low fiber and high digestibility. Experiment was planned to find out the potential in alfalfa breeding material for high biom ... Read More

Favorable variation within the genome is an important aspect to modify the crops. A huge range of molecular markers are available to dissect the genome of different crops. The data generated by these ... Read More

Two independent experiments were conducted to assess neem oil coated urea (NOCU), as a natural nitrification inhibitor and to improve nitrogen use efficiency in maize. In first experiment, soil incub ... Read More

Bacteriocins are the antimicrobial peptides that are produced by many of the bacterial species as secondary metabolites. They have potential to inhibit the growth of many other pathogenic bacteria. T ... Read More

Problem of salinity has been recognized as core issue across the globe. Syzygium cumini (L.) and Vachellia nilotica (L.) are multipurpose agroforestry tree species of subcontinent where poor manageme ... Read More

Mango is highly valued crop traded worldwide. Fruit fly is serious issue in mango producing countries, and being a quarantine pest, needs specific disinfestation treatments to fruit before export. Th ... Read More

The use of different growth regulators can modulate plant growth and increase yield of various crops. Salicylic acid (SA) has been successfully used as seed treatment in improvement of plant growth a ... Read More

To practice the concept of site specific crop nutrient management on a large oil palm plantation, more soil samples are required to analyze the macronutrients. Most of the farmers in developing count ... Read More

Cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) is a known devastating pathogen and menace threat to several important vegetables worldwide including Pakistan. This study was conducted to determine the incidence, ... Read More

Ochratoxin (OTA) is a potent carcinogen which may pose a tremendous threat to human health when found beyond permissible levels. This study aims at evaluating ochratoxin contamination in corn. The co ... Read More

Several fungal plant pathogens are posing serious threat to the Ficus spp. grown as an ornamental plant for landscaping world over. Dieback disease is one of the major limiting factors in Ficus spp s ... Read More

Floods are the most significant natural hazards worldwide, claim precious lives and cause serious damage to buildings, infrastructure and agricultural crops. Pakistan is also frequently suffering hug ... Read More

In Pakistan, climate change is affecting water resources and also agriculture productivity. Rice-Wheat cropping zone is one of the prone regions that use water coming from upstream of the Indus Basin ... Read More

Globally, electricity access in remote and rural areas has always been economically and technically challenging due to the long distances among the load centers and nearest power grid lines including ... Read More

The present study was undertaken to conduct a detailed survey in all agronomic zones of Punjab, Pakistan to find out the factors responsible for impeding adoption of High Efficiency Irrigation System ... Read More

The efficient application of irrigation and fertilizer are very important for optimizing crop water productivity and water losses even in drip irrigation. The application of sensor for monitoring of ... Read More

The current work was accomplished to purify the renal catalase (CAT) from carnivorous fish, Channa striata exposed to sublethal dose (1/3rdof LC50) of deltamethrin (DM)+endosulfan(END) mixture. Fish w ... Read More

Coccinellid beetles are widely recognized biological control agents and are voracious feeder of cereal aphids. Aphid predation by Coccinellid predators is quite imperative for long-term regulation of ... Read More

In developing countries like Pakistan, the main constraint in aquaculture progress is the cost of production mainly; the feed. The present project will be helpful in formulation of cost effective fis ... Read More

Herbal medicines have always been in practice since ancient times due to their ease and efficiency. Therefore, methanolic, acetonic, chloroform and n-hexane extract from the seeds of Centratherum ant ... Read More

Homo Sapiens are highly inclined by their surroundings covered by social and physical environments. Social environment develops human personalities, behaviors, and social interactions while physical ... Read More

Genetic gains of crops could be improved by pyramiding physiological, agronomic and stress tolerant traits in single genotypes. Comprehensive foreground and background phenotypic information is a pre ... Read More

Seventy diverse genotypes were evaluated for drought stress for morphological traits i.e. days to flowering, days to maturity, head diameter, number of leaves per plant, stem girth, thousand seed wei ... Read More


The transgenic event BPS-CV127-9 (Cultivance® – CV) confers soybean tolerance to imidazoline one herbicides due to the csr1-2 (or ahas) gene from Arabidopsis thaliana, which encodes a modified acetol ... Read More

In alkaline soils, most of the plant nutrients are either lost or become unavailable. Current study investigated the role of bacterial isolates for enhancing nutrients bioavailability in soil along w ... Read More

The lethal consequence of cadmium (Cd) toxicity is a serious environmental concern in crops and food chain. Promising strategies for Cd immobilization are prerequisite to diminish its mobility throug ... Read More

This paper examined the market integration through price signaling in selected chickpea markets of Punjab using Johnson Cointegration technique. The average monthly wholesale prices of seven Chickpea ... Read More

Groundwater is the key source of water for survival in the Pishin, Balochistan area, which is decreasing with rapid urbanization. Karezes, however, are considered as the major sources of irrigation a ... Read More

The livestock sector of Pakistan is facing many problems due to which it has low milk productivity as compared to other countries in the world. Livestock diseases are one cause which lower the produc ... Read More

In this work, xanthan gum was hydrolyzed through three different methods using acid (HCl), base (NaOH) and enzyme (cellulase) to improve its rheological properties and various other characteristics. ... Read More

Pesticides are applied on grapevines to combat various pests which are catastrophic for grapes and cause menace for farmers. Hence, to investigate the fate of difenconazole and cymoxanil their superv ... Read More

Meat industry produces huge amount of waste which have potential to be used as the valuable source of proteins and derived bioactive compounds. Dietary interventions have augmented the use of bioacti ... Read More

The objective of the current research was to assess the optimal extraction conditions with respect to ethanol concentration and time to recover betalains from red beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.). Purpose ... Read More

Consumption pattern of cooked rice varies from individual to individual owing to their habitual perceptions. In this context, information about the cooking and eating quality attributes of rice culti ... Read More

This study was planned to conduct a cross-sectional prospective survey in cattle and buffalos of districts Khanewal (southern sandy zone), Faisalabad (central plain zone) and Chakwal (northern arid z ... Read More

This study was aimed to assess the effect of omega-3 fatty acid and micronutrients on growth, meat quality and health status of polycultured Cyprinid fish species (Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus mrigala and ... Read More

To study the influence of licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) extracts on broiler performance, carcass quality parameters and blood profile in broiler. One hundred eighty, day-old broiler chicks were divid ... Read More

The study was carried out to explore the effects of ultraviolet irradiations, gamma irradiations and hot water treatment on the sensory attributes (taste, skin color, flavor, flesh color, aroma and a ... Read More

Quantification of change in area under different crops is vital for conducting macro scale hydrological studies as spatial crop water use depends on type of crops grown. This becomes more challenging ... Read More

Phytoremediation, assisted with different amendments, is receiving much attention around the world due to its high efficiency, low cost and ease of handling. The current study was constructed to dete ... Read More

Farmers in the rain-fed regions are becoming more exposed to extreme weather adversities and hence, suffer significant losses. The present study was designed to decipher the impacts of the climate ch ... Read More

Silicon (Si) is generally considered as a contributing constituent for plant resistance against abiotic stresses. However, the mechanism underlying the role of Si in alleviating salt stress in mung b ... Read More

Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) is among the most devastating species of Tephritidae, causing severe damage to fruits in Asian countries including Pakistan. The management of this particular species is ... Read More

Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Noctuidae; Lepidoptera) is most damaging insect pest of various crops. Entomopathogens have potential to manage insect pests by minimizing resistance and reducing health ... Read More

Kharap beetle, Trogoderma granarium (Everts) (Dermestidae: Coleoptera) is very notorious stored cereals insect pest, as well as of their commodities, throughout the world and can cause great economic ... Read More

While detecting the fungi associated with indoor and outdoor cultivated potted ornamental palm species the samples comprising of roots and soil were found to be infested with Acremonium sclerotigenum ... Read More

Whitefly-transmissible begomoviruses (Family-Geminiviridae) are the major pathogens of economically important crops and weeds. In 2004-05, during field surveys in Faisalabad, Pakistan, symptoms of le ... Read More

Zinc (Zn) is needed for plants growth and human’s balanced diet. The non-availability or less mobilization of Zn affects crop yield and nutritional quality and when such produce is consumed, it cause ... Read More

In the present research project, Phoenix dactylifera mucilage was explored to disclose its modification and capping potential for encapsulation of silver nano particles. Process of silver nano formul ... Read More

Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is an important edible leguminous seed crop. In the current study, salt stress was induced in Pea and the expression pattern of Mn-superoxide dismutase, Peroxiredoxin, Thioredo ... Read More

Date palms are known as the imperious crop producing good quality fruits. Red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) is recognized as the invasive pest of palm trees throughout the world. In Pakista ... Read More

High temperature stress under changing climatic conditions affects the eggplant like other vegetables. However, heat tolerant local germplasm of eggplant has not been identified currently. Hence, a b ... Read More

The Kinnow is the extensively cultivated variety of citrus fruit and a common name of mandarin (Citrus reticulate L.) in Pakistan. Being a non-climacteric fruit, it keeps low storage life even in col ... Read More

Carrot is a cool season vegetable and belongs to family Apiaceae. It is very popular because of its high nutritional value along with many health benefits. Usual time to grow carrots in Punjab-Pakist ... Read More

Strawberry is highly nutritious and economically important fruit crop having short shelf life. Fruit has sensitivity to fungal decay and due to fast metabolic activity heavy losses occur before reach ... Read More

Rooftop gardening is a sustainable approach for mitigating the environment complexities of the urban world. This is a well established technology in many areas although in developing countries roofto ... Read More

Genotype, environment and their interactions are important determinant of crop phenotypes. In present study, oat genotypes including advanced lines (candidate varieties), approved cultivars, obsolete ... Read More

Agriculture production can be enhanced by considering all the farm operations especially the harvesting of crops is the more sensitive operation. The selection of appropriate farm machinery for harve ... Read More

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), preferred especially by cattle, is generally grown for its seeds, while it may also be grown for its green leaves. This study aimed to determine the seed and leaf ... Read More

Efficient storage of large amounts of fresh Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wright (DZW) tubers with the minimum loss of useful components is important in diosgenin production. In this study, the compo ... Read More

The present study was aimed to verify the genetic characteristics of twenty microsatellite markers -distributed on six chromosomes- that related to milk performance traits in Egyptian buffalo. Ninete ... Read More

This research aimed to study the effects of organophosphate insecticides on biochemical parameters of small farmers who were engaged in the mixing and spraying of pesticides in Punjab, Pakistan. In t ... Read More

Females are basic component of human society and their good health matter a lot in future reproduction. In some parts of the world they are living in miserable condition and are treated brutally. The ... Read More

Modernization and sedentary lifestyle are resulting in a drastic increase in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as obesity, CVDs and hypercholesterolemia. The present study was planned to assess t ... Read More

Milk is a highly nutritious and valuable food throughout the world. A major portion of its production is wasted due to low processing rate and if processed then the high temperature affects its nutri ... Read More

Hypertension has become the most prevalent issue in Pakistan that has targeted 18% adults below 45 years of age and 33% of above 45 years. Watermelon seeds possess adequate quantity of cations (e.g. ... Read More

Rice (Oryza sativa L) is the second largest grown and consumed cereal in Pakistan. Coarse rice cultivars are famous for puffing characteristics; hence mostly used in many puffed or extruded products. ... Read More

Major issues related to meat in our modern society are its authenticity and traceability. Meat consumers are facing problems related to addition of low value meat to high quality meat. The current st ... Read More

The study was aimed on nutritional comparison of different four varieties of date fruit including (Ajwa, Hallawi, Madjool and Shamran), exploration of their functional ingredients i.e. antioxidant pr ... Read More

Water is driving force of all nature but constant deterioration of water quality here in Pakistan is predicting unprecedented impacts country might have to face, as water quality is declining by ever ... Read More

Blends by mixing different fruit juices gained popularity due to nutritional value, flavor and health benefits. In this study, the compositions of grape, apple juice and sugar solution were optimized ... Read More

Present research work was carried out to access the attractancy of melon fruit flies towards different protein and ammonia sources under laboratory and field conditions. In the first experiment, diff ... Read More

In this study, resistance inheritance and cross resistance to Cry1Ac toxin and the insecticide triazophos in the pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) was investigated. F1 progeny were simultaneou ... Read More

Allelopathic effect of lambsquarter (Chenopodium album L.) and field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.) on germination and initial development of Camelina sativa by using leaves, stem, whole plant aq ... Read More

Application of synthetic-insecticides against tephritid fruit flies on horticultural-crops increases cost of production and results in biomagnification of their toxic residues in man through food cha ... Read More

Phalaris minor Retz. is a major issue in wheat growing areas of Pakistan because it has evolved resistance to ACCase inhibitors herbicides like fenoxaprop due to enhanced metabolic activity to detoxi ... Read More

Potassium (K) deficiency is becoming a major productivity constraint in semi-arid agriculture. It is an essential mineral nutrient that has key role in various plant physiological and biochemical fun ... Read More

The present study was conducted to characterize eight olive genotypes (local and exotic) growing in Potohar region (Salt Range) of Pakistan. The genotypes “BARI Zaitoon-I”, “Earlik I”, “Earlik-II”, “ ... Read More

Citrus industry of Pakistan is dominated by Kinnow mandarin while grapefruit cultivation, despite having enormous nutraceutical properties, is negligible and concentrated by pigmented cv. Shamber onl ... Read More

Nitrate reductase (EC being an imperative key regulator of nitrogen metabolism acts as the rate limiting step in plant growth. Here, we present sucrose as an inducer of nitrate reductase a ... Read More

Wheat is used as a staple diet by most of the people in Pakistan. It is cultivated on irrigated along-with rain-fed areas throughout the country. During wheat growing period Pakistan receives low rai ... Read More

Cotton is industrial and one of the important cash crops in Pakistan. Warm environment is required for its cultivation. The present study aimed to assess genetic variation and path analysis for yield ... Read More

Precision agriculture and optimum fertigation are effective tools to obtain economical crop production. A multi seasonal experiment was conducted on corn at Faisalabad, Pakistan during autumn seasons ... Read More

It is quite challenging to assess the crop water requirement with limited time and resources on a regional scale. The study focuses on developing a spatial decision support system (SDSS) for crop wat ... Read More

Arthropods are the major part of the fauna on earth, they participate significantly in sustaining agricultural ecological systems. Their participation makes them functional bioindicators for determin ... Read More

Soybean meal is an important source of protein in the diet of poultry bird. However, it has antinutritional factors which have to be taken care. Therefore, the study was carried out to determine the ... Read More

Anaplasmosisis a disease of circulatory cells that might impose drastic effects on different blood parameters and thereby camel’s health. The present study describes the hemato-biochemical changes in ... Read More

Mastitis is one of the most economically important diseases of dairy animals in Pakistan. The cure rate of mastitis with the use of antibiotics/antibacterials leaves a lot to be desired. In addition, ... Read More

The objective of current research was to evaluate lysozyme, bacillus amyloliquefaciens SC06 and tributyrin as an alternative of enramycin in broiler chicken. Four isocaloric and isonitrogenous experi ... Read More

Though the concept of Functional Foods (FFs) did exist thousands of years ago hence research on its beneficial effects on human beings started in Japan in 1980. It has been globally recognized that F ... Read More

In order to study the effect ofSS(squalene synthase) and SE (squalene epoxidase) genes co-over-expression in hairy roots of Panax japonicus on ginsenoside Resynthesis, the callus of P· japonicus was ... Read More

Based on the data for the economic traits of tobacco leaf in 25 counties of Shaanxi province in China from 2015 to 2019 obtained from Tobacco Science Research Institute of Shaanxi Province, a two-way ... Read More

Drought stress is the major threat to maize development and production. Here the bulked segregant transcriptome analysis (BSTA) was applied to discover the molecular mechanisms of drought stress resp ... Read More

Crop cultivation worldwide is often affected by NaCl excess in soil solution. Silicon (Si) is the second abundant element of Earth crust which may alleviate effects of abiotic stress in plants. In th ... Read More

This study examined the perceived effectiveness of different information communication technologies (ICTs) as information source among farmers in Punjab province of Pakistan. This study is distinctiv ... Read More

Social protection illustrates basic rights of human beings but there is inadequate access in developing countries.In 2008,government of Pakistan started its comprehensive social protection program na ... Read More

Mastitis is regarded as most economically important disease of dairy animals in Pakistan. The cure rate of mastitis with use of antibiotics/antibacterials is often quite poor. In addition, use of the ... Read More

Aim of the present study was to investigate the status of different antioxidant systems in semen and peripheral blood of bulls of two age groups. For this purpose, different physiological biomarkers ... Read More

Eighteen lactating Beetal goats of the almost same age, body weight, and parity were selected and divided into three groups (A, B and C) of six animals each. All the animals were given ad libitum fod ... Read More

To address the major issue of postharvest losses (20-50%) of a productive crop like tomatoes, a novel aloevera gel based edible coating was developed as postharvest treatment. The objectives of this ... Read More

The current study was conducted to evaluate the impact of active edible coating containing natural essential oils (EOs) on the storage stability of butter and soft cheese (SC). The major issue in sto ... Read More

Roasted flax seed is a good source of protein that can be blended with wheat flour for the development of protein enriched cookies. Protein quality is a huge issue in developing countries along with ... Read More

In present study efforts were made to elucidate the importance of oilseeds as non-conventional protein sources. Purposely, three different oilseeds i.e. sesame, flaxseed and canola were initially sub ... Read More

Indigenized soil moisture sensors can be viable tools to improve water productivity through precision irrigation application. This study was conducted at Water Management Research Center, Postgraduat ... Read More

The purpose of the research work was designing and fabrication of a fruit pulp extracting unit for transformation of locally produced fruits into pulp in order to enhance profitability in orchard far ... Read More

Phenological modification followed by yield stagnation of rice and wheat is a major concern of South Asian agriculture, linked with decline in soil health by excessive use of mineral fertilizers. The ... Read More

In this study briquettes prepared from four types of abundantly available crop residue (i.e., wheat straw, rice straw, maize straw and cotton sticks). These were optimized and tested to evaluate the ... Read More

A total of 185 diverse genotypes of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), including 33 genotypes of Lycopersicum var. Cersiforme (cherry tomatoes), were grown under shade house at National Agriculture Re ... Read More

The fruits of Indian jujube (Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk.) are commonly used as fresh. However, fresh fruits are vulnerable to decay after few days of picking due to high moisture content and thus need ... Read More

Fertilizer application positively affects yield of most crops but needs special attention in root crops, including turnip (Brassica rapa) because of direct accumulation of nutrients, particularly nit ... Read More

Selenium (Se) is a naturally occurring substance that is toxic at high concentration for all life forms. It enters into environment through natural and anthropogenic sources. Therefore, this experime ... Read More

Pesticides contamination is a global environmental and public health concern due to their carcinogenic and highly toxic nature for all kind of living organisms including plants, animals and humans. P ... Read More

Cereal crops are a major part of our daily dietary intake. However, they are reported to have poor zinc (Zn) content. Bioactivation of zinc oxide with zinc solubilizing bacteria (ZSB) is considered a ... Read More

Soil salinization is a serious environmental menace that reduces the development, growth and yield of most of the plants. Growing halophyte crops such as quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is a promi ... Read More

Okra leaf cotton has great potential to confer resistance to insect pests; however, very few okra leaf cotton cultivars have been developed in the world. Generally, cotton breeders have perception th ... Read More

Combining ability analyses were estimated for 20 lines (females), three restorers (testers) and their 60 hybrids using Line × Tester mating design to assess the breeding potentiality of sunflower bre ... Read More

The research was conducted to assess the genetic variability, pattern of grouping, and to search out the diverse genotypes for improvement of wheat germplasm for yield. The germplasm was collected fr ... Read More

Present bioassays were conducted to determine the effect of temperature and relative humidity (r.h.) on the pathogenicity of two commercially available formulations of entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) i. ... Read More

The herein reported studies were conducted to investigate the ovicidal effect of different insect growth regulators (IGRs), viz., lufenuron 50EC, flufenoxuron 10DC, pyriproxyfen 10.8EC, tebufenozide ... Read More

Stem end rot (SER) is a fungal disease complex that poses a major threat to the delivery of quality mangoes from Pakistan to export markets. The dynamics of this disease remain unclear but must be el ... Read More

Early blight disease caused by Alternaria solani is the most damaging disease of tomato. This disease causes severe yield losses in tomato. This study was planned to find out the efficacy of Bion and ... Read More

Bio-fuels are considered to be cheap, sustainable and more environmental friendly. Management considerations including sowing method and suitable cultivar have considerable effect on the dry matter y ... Read More

This review describes the regeneration and genetic transformation strategies for the main fruit trees aimed to produce cis- or trans-genic editing tools; the risks and benefits derived from the prope ... Read More

The present qualitative study is based on 50 participants responsible of household food shopping. Their in-depth interviews were conducted with the consumers from the four superstores located in Fais ... Read More

Plant growth and development is significantly influenced by phytohormones – endogenous molecules present naturally in plants. The best known plant hormones are auxins and cytokinins. This study exami ... Read More