Social protection illustrates basic rights of human beings but there is inadequate access in developing countries.In 2008,government of Pakistan started its comprehensive social protection program named “Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) to fight against poverty. It is necessary to ensure about impact of this programs becauseof heavy investments contributed by financial institutions. The main objective of paper is to determine impact of BISPon household food expenditures,identify social-economic condition of households andconfer suggestions based on findings.To intentgoals of paper, primary datawas collected randomly from 240 households in peri-urban areas of Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan by using well-structured questionnaire. The data analyzed by descriptive analysis, chi-square cross tabulation and Ordinary Least Square model. The food expenditures of beneficiarieshaveimproved than food expenditures of non-beneficiaries. Thus, relationis positive but small effect on household’s food expenditures because of very small amount of BISP provided to people.

Sonia Amrin, Muhammad Ashfaq. (2020) THE IMPACT OFBENAZIRINCOMESUPPORTPROGRAM BISP ON HOUSEHOLD FOOD EXPENDITURES IN FAISALABAD, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 1.
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