This endeavor includes thirty grapes’ genotypes grown in northern zones of Punjab, Pakistan to determine similarities and dissimilarities in forty-four morphological traits according to the descriptor ... Read More

Protease inhibitors (PIs) are a ubiquitous, diverse group of molecules present in multiple forms in all organisms. These inhibitors inactivate proteases from predators/pathogens in addition to regulat ... Read More

Population genetic structure of cultured fish species is vital for improving the fisheries management and stock enhancement programs. The genetic variability and population genetic structure at fourte ... Read More

Drought is one of the most damaging environmental stresses, which decreases the achene yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). The objectives of our experimentations were to determine the type of g ... Read More

Plant extracts (PE’s) has emerged as a safer alternative to manage the fungal pathogens affecting tomato productivity. The current study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial potential of methanolic fen ... Read More

Cotton is an important cash crop of Pakistan and is severely affected with wilt in cotton-growing areas of Punjab province. Research was carried out on two major pathogens of cotton Fusarium oxysporum ... Read More

Citrus is known as a major fruit due to its high nutritional value and adaptability in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Among diseases, citrus dieback is one of the most threatening diseases in whic ... Read More

Neopestalotiopsis species are known to be involved in plant diseases as associated pathogens. The taxonomic identification of the fungal group Neopestalotiopsisis little bit difficult due to its compl ... Read More

The current research was conducted to investigate the alterations in the mineral status in the leaves of tomato plants against early blight (EB) caused by Alternaria solani. Six tomato varieties; viz. ... Read More

Focused on the iron-fortification of underutilized food sources of Pakistan, jamun was selected as a vehicle fruit for iron supplementation in the form of jamun leather. Iron-fortified jamun leather w ... Read More

Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs), being the chief components of rhizosphere microbiota, are highly beneficial for plant growth and production. PGPR mediated salt stress tolerance is an int ... Read More

The share of biogas in renewable energy sources is increasing as variety of feedstocks are now used for biogas production among which lignocellulosic biomass is emerging feedstock that can be used aft ... Read More

An adequate knowledge regarding the genetic issues of natural populations is imperative for developing conservation and stock improvement plans. The present research work was aimed to assess the genet ... Read More

Restaurants and pizza makers in Pakistan demand a cheese that has ability to melt, stretch with a characteristics flavor and less free oil formation while applied on pizza dough. The desired character ... Read More

Necrotic enteritis (NE) is one of the important enteric disease in the poultry industry worldwide, caused by C. perfringens type A. This study describes the isolation, identification, and toxinotyping ... Read More

Citrus fruit production is largely affected by different bacterial and fungal pathogens. In Pakistan bacterial diseases like citrus bacterial canker (CBC) pose severe risk to citrus economy. Diagnoses ... Read More

Like humans, chickens can become sick from bacterial infections. Mycoplasma is a very small, slow-growing bacterium. There are multiple types of Mycoplasma that affect different animals, humans, and e ... Read More

Increasing fuel prices in international market and depletion of fossil fuel resources are reasons to find new and cheap energy resources to meet increasing energy demands throughout the world. Potenti ... Read More

Acoustic recordings of birds have been used by conservationists and ecologists to determine the population density and biodiversity of bird species in a region. However, it is hard to analyze and visu ... Read More

Milk is a vital constituent of the human diet. It is a rich source of high biological value protein and essential minerals like calcium, phosphorus and potassium. It has protective effects against man ... Read More

Livestock sector seeks a multifold increase in production to sustain its role in achieving food sufficiency in the world. However, anxiety is observed in terms of its falling production particularly i ... Read More

Ecotourism is a type of tourism in which maximum benefits are provided to local people while protecting the environment. Local people care more about the sustainability of biodiversity and they are ve ... Read More

Problems of Turkish agriculture need a “structural transformation” and what to do for this purpose are frequently mentioned by the bureaucrats and scientists studying in the field of economy. However, ... Read More

The production of dates has been increasing in Saudi Arabia during 1970-2019. However, this growth has not been accompanied by a proportionate increase in exports to global markets, with only 5.5% on ... Read More

The saw-toothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Linnaeus) is a secondary pest of rice grains and other stored products. Lack of information on the population abundance, spatial, and temporal ... Read More

Mungbean is one of the important grain legume crops in Pakistan due to its vigorous growth even in adverse environment. Mungbean is part of daily cuisine in the country but its production is low mostl ... Read More

Weeds produce huge biomass by competing with the main crop for resources has been well established by numerous investigators. The use of weeds, especially aquatic weeds, as an organic source of nutrie ... Read More

Nitrogen use efficiency under flood irrigation system is generally low (30%) in field crops, which is one of the fundamental factors of high production cost in the developing countries. Optimum rate a ... Read More

The current research work was conducted for the evaluation of repellent and growth inhibitory potential of Azadirachta indica, Murraya koenigii, Nicotiana tobacum and Liquorice against Callosobruchus ... Read More

The herein reported study was conducted to evaluate the parasitic potential of Anisopteromalus calandrae (Howard) against larvae of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.), Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) and Sitophi ... Read More

The maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is one of the most damaging pests of stored cereals causing severe damage to stored grains. In current investigation, si ... Read More

Present paper provides information on the impact of climate changes on diurnal rhythms of the four passerines viz, house sparrow (Passer domesticus Linn.), rosy starling (Pastor roseus Linn.), tree sw ... Read More

The present study was conducted to probe out the nutritive losses caused by Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) and Trogoderma granarium (Everts) were quantified in six rice genotypes (KSK-434, KSK-282, Irri-6, ... Read More

In this experiment, effect of lead (Pb) + chromium (Cr) mixture on superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the liver of Labeo rohita at a concentration of 11.1 mgL-1 was observed. The ammonium sulphate precipit ... Read More

In the last decade there is a huge increase in the human population that has witnessed the important changes in the ecology, climate and human behaviour which ultimately favours the survival and incre ... Read More

Tomato crop is affected with several diseases that lead to decreased yield every year. Among those diseases, tomato wilt is the most significant disease caused by soil borne pathogens i.e. Fusarium so ... Read More

Hudiara drain, a big sewage water body originating from India, is an important tributary of river Ravi in Pakistan. In present study, role of the drain in build-up/depletion of metal micronutrients Cu ... Read More

Vegetables grown in metal-contaminated soil are a potential hazard to human live. Trace metals are introduced into grown vegetables through irrigation of unsanity, industrially polluted water in the f ... Read More

Wastes materials produced from bio-energy plants such as ash, slurry etc., may be problematic if they are not safely disposed. The wastes utilization as soil amendments is a viable approach as these a ... Read More

Efficiency of applied P fertilizers is very low in alkaline soils. There is need to adopt certain economical approaches to enhance uptake of P from applied P fertilizer. Coating of di-ammonium phospha ... Read More

Sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the most popular and high value vegetable crops grown for its immature fruits throughout the world. In Pakistan it is cultivated as warm season crop in open ... Read More

Citrus holds the position of top ranked fruit crop of Pakistan in terms of area and production. ‘Kinnow’ (Citrus reticulata Blanco) is considered as the trademark of Pakistan’s citriculture industry a ... Read More

Guava (Psidium guajava L.) fruit physical and chemical characterization was performed across six distinct summer and winter seasons (Year I-III) in two elite cultivars (Round and Pyriform) to assess g ... Read More

Development of earliness in cotton plant without sacrificing yield is a prime objective of cotton breeders. Early maturing genotypes provide more efficient wheat-cotton-wheat rotation, also provide e ... Read More

The dependence among traits, gene and environmental interaction affects the Gossypium hirsutum L. (Malvaceae) crop improvement. The data from 100 cotton genotypes were collected for yield and fiber tr ... Read More

Bivalvia has an extremely important position in our ecosystem as biofilters, bioindicators for environmental quality and most of all source of pearls. They play important role in foodweb. However, the ... Read More

Nitrogen is an essential element for plant growth and development because it has special role in various physiological and biochemical processes of plants that improve plant productivity. This study w ... Read More

Easily accessible, natural polyphenols were used to stabilize the corn oil degradation during repeated use of deep frying and heating. Degradation of edible oil quality is directly related to loss of ... Read More

Multi-flower inbred lines of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) showing phyllody, virescence and big bud disease like symptoms were collected from experimental fields in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Light and ... Read More

Salinity is a global issue and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. is one of the most planted agroforestry tree species on saline soils in Pakistan. Organic amendments are reported to ameliorate plant gro ... Read More

The traditional ways of weed management including spraying of herbicides on the whole field and manually uprooting them, are still in practice in many agricultural farms. This leads to herbicide overu ... Read More

Clostridium chauvoei, causing myonecrosis in livestock animals, lives in the feces, surface water and soil. The blackleg due to C. chauvoei is very common in dairy animals. Still, no report is availab ... Read More

The aim of this study was to check the effect of photoperiod (lightning duration) on dry matter intake (DMI), water intake, average daily gain (ADG) and body condition score of Sahiwal heifers. For th ... Read More

The current work was planned to explore the effect of a natural emulsifier (Lysophospholipid) supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood serum, meat quality, carcass characte ... Read More

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can help farmers to monitor their crops and provide irrigation and inputs as and when the crops need, reducing risks to yields. This study uses UAV imagery to measure w ... Read More

The effect of different pH ranges 3-10 was studied on the growth rate of six different bacterial strains, e.g. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus flexus, Brevibacterium ... Read More

Flooding is globally a major natural hazard. Pakistan faces flooding problems almost every year. In present study a model was developed to compute the flood discharge and to propose structural managem ... Read More

Pakistan is facing challenges of poor land and water productivity, depletion of ground water, water scarcity, food security and environmental implications due to obsolete and inefficient irrigation, a ... Read More

Pakistan is facing challenges of poor land and water productivity, depletion of ground water, water scarcity, food security and environmental implications due to obsolete and inefficient irrigation, a ... Read More

The study aims to examine the women empowerment in rural areas of Punjab, Pakistan. The current paper contributes to the literature by presenting the empirical evidence of women empowerment in agricul ... Read More

This study explores the different factors influencing the adoption of weeds management techniques among farmers in RiceWheat, Rice, Potato, Rice-Maize and Rice-Peas cropping systems of the Punjab, Pak ... Read More

This study aimed to assess the prospects of rural micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Punjab, Pakistan. A multistage mixed method approach was opted to conduct the study in three districts ... Read More

Red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) is the major pest of wheat flour with economic importance throughout the world. Due to side effects of pesticides, it is needed to evaluate the alternati ... Read More

Considering water scarcity in Saudi Arabia, flied experiment was performed to assess the growth, grain yield and grain elements content of locally cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Ten landraces ... Read More

In this research, the yield and qualitative parameters of tomato cultivar Hector F1 grown in various fertilization and plant protection treatments in two successive growth seasons were investigated. E ... Read More

In this research, the effects of sucrose replacement with xylitol and erythritol-sucralose on the textural characteristics and sensory acceptance of konjac jellies were investigated. Two levels (50 an ... Read More

In these days where environmental problems increase, environment-friendly landscape project are designed to protect ecological balance. Accordingly, landscape designs which do not need chemical usage, ... Read More

This study aims to examine the relationships between organic food-related value, attitude, and buying behaviour based on the value-attitude-behaviour (VAB) cognitive hierarchal model. Moreover, it int ... Read More

Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic heavy metal which has been threatening food security worldwide. In the present study, two sets of reciprocal introgression lines were used to dissect the genetic basis of Cd to ... Read More

Plant hormones are small molecules resulting from various essential metabolic pathways that play a critical role in the regulation of plant growth and development. The majority of plant species are th ... Read More

Considering the demand for fodder and berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L) seed in Pakistan current field study was carried out to evaluate the influence of cutting intervals on fodder production, seed ... Read More

The high protein contents in green microalgae can be used for the generation of bioactive peptides for feed, food, and health. Many methods are available for the extraction of microalgal protein but t ... Read More

Drought stress during the crop growing season is one of the major threats to higher productivity of maize. The present study was conducted to evaluate the role of beneficial fungus and antioxidants fo ... Read More

Parthenium hysterophorus L. (parthenium weed) is a destructive invasive weed in agroecosystems of >45 countries. Chemical control is highly effective and economical against parthenium among various we ... Read More

Major challenge in agriculture industry is lack of proper management and recycling of waste of major crops like wheat and rice as it contributes a lot in smog and methane production that causing adver ... Read More

To improve yield, weedicides are an essential component of production technology. This improvement in yield with pesticide application is only possible if the applied weedicide does not affect the mai ... Read More

Chromium (Cr) is one of the most important non-essential phytotoxic heavy metal for plants. The fulvic acid (FA) alleviate Cr toxicity in marigold genotypes. In this experiment, the soil contaminated ... Read More

Lateral flow assays (LFA) are quick residue detection techniques used for screening of biological fluids such as milk, urine or blood and give quick and reliable results. In this study, a rapid and ef ... Read More

This study was conducted to evaluate the molasses and bacterial inoculant effects on ensiled corn stover chemical composition, physical characteristics, aerobic stability and total microbial cell cou ... Read More

Sixty clinically healthy dogs were divided into two groups i.e., saline (n=30) and TNBS group (n=30). One mL of ethanol mixed TNBS solution (30 mg TNBS in 30% ethanol) was injected in the ileal wall i ... Read More

Toxoplasmosis, due to its zoonotic importance, is a serious threat to human being and has severe consequences for livestock productivity due to abortion. In the current study, serological screening of ... Read More

Polysaccharides including resistant starch can be categorized as a part of dietary fiber and used as an important prebiotic. Like soluble fibers, resistant starch also has a number of physiological ef ... Read More

This study describes some epidemiological and patho-physiological aspects of Trypanosoma evansi (causative agent of “surra”) infection in camels (n=255) and Nili Ravi buffaloes (n=233). Clinical ailme ... Read More

Countries need an in-depth understanding of their comparative advantage for gaining benefits from the international trade. Historically, Pakistan is a trade deficit country and its exports are mainly ... Read More

This research study was aimed to examine the role of radio communication in the adoption of modern agricultural technology among the farmers of district Jhang. Presently 33 governments owned public ra ... Read More

The southern part of the Punjab province is blessed with a warm climate favorable for cotton production. Most of the rural families are dependent on cotton for socio-economic survival. Therefore, they ... Read More

A considerable amount of rice stubbles (7-10 ton ha-1 ) are produced yearly in rice- wheat cropping system. Suitable management of these crop stubbles maintains soil health and natural balance of the ... Read More

A hydroponic experiment was conducted to observe the effects of various cadmium (Cd) levels (0, 50, 100 µM) on morphology and biochemical responses of nine different rice varieties. Initially, seeds w ... Read More

Diatomaceous earth (SilicoSec®) and zeolite (ZeoFeed) were evaluated as insecticides for the management of Trogoderma granarium on wheat, rice and maize. Both inert dusts were tested at three dose rat ... Read More

Diatomaceous earth (DE) formulations are being used as grain protectants with reduced environmental issues and insecticide resistance. In this study binary response of 2nd, 4th larval instars and adul ... Read More

Worldwide waterlogging is a matter of great concern affecting 16% of cultivated area in the United States, agricultural lands of Russia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China and India. This issue affects woody ... Read More

Seeds and vegetative parts of two white and four pink flesh grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) varieties were exposed to colchicine treatment under in vitro and field conditions for the development of ... Read More

Wheat production is sensitive to minor temperature changes, and thus the identification of indicators of temperature tolerance is of great importance. In the present study, shoots of 20 d old plants o ... Read More

The expression of drought tolerance in wheat is based on a complex genetic mechanism and involves many genes. Gene expression is contingent upon various transcription factors which are proteins in nat ... Read More

Wheat is an ancient small grain cereal with pretty valuable nutrition. The high throughput nutrition makes it an essential part of human life. Wheat is also a staple grain food. Its demand is rising d ... Read More

Climate change leads to increase in temperature of wheat growing regions with adverse effects on its yield. Breeding wheat genotypes for high temperature tolerance and yield related characters is a di ... Read More

Harvest maturity was specified for ‘Langra’, ‘Dusehri’ and ‘S.B. Chaunsa’ mango varieties with 1-methylcyclopropene (1- MCP) application for preserving maximum postharvest quality of mango during low ... Read More

The demand of food packaging has increased along with the food consumption. Among all types of packaging materials plastics are most commonly used owing to their good mechanical, barrier and permeabil ... Read More

Wheat germ oil (WGO) is highly nutritious with significant biological value. In current research work, WGO was extracted through solvent extraction method by using hexane as solvent. The oil was analy ... Read More

A field study was conducted to estimate the combined effects of delayed irrigations under increased Management Allowed Depletion (MAD) level and moisture conservation practices on the yield and water ... Read More

A field experiment was conducted to study the impact of three different water qualities on maize biological yield, soil properties and CO2 emissions from cropped soil. The experiment was laid out at A ... Read More

Because of exploding population and declining natural resources, innovative approaches are desired in agriculture to feed billions of hungry mouths. Hydroponic farming provides an opportunity for mani ... Read More

Accurate and timely information about production estimates of wheat is useful for policymakers and government planners. The traditional methods for yield forecasting are labor insensitive and time-con ... Read More

Abstract: Natural secondary forests can develop vertical structures of varying complexity. A dominant view in forest ecology is that naturally restored secondary forests tend to have greater structura ... Read More

This research was performed to determine the effect of boiling, grilling and cold storage processes on florfenicol residues in muscle tissues of sturgeons. A total of 16 sturgeons, 10 of which have re ... Read More

This study aimed to determine the effects of tractor forward speed using shoe furrow openers designed in different sizes (seed drop height) in the conventional and reduced tillage systems on the intra ... Read More

Cucumber is one of the most popular greenhouse products. Iran produces more than two million tons of this product annually, making it the third largest cucumber producer in the world after China and T ... Read More

Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is one of the toxic secondary metabolites of fungi belonging to the genus Aspergillus. AFB1 causes hepatotoxicity and carcinogenicity. Mostly, cereals, nuts, fruits, and stored com ... Read More

Accurate and timely information about production estimates of wheat is useful for policymakers and government planners. The traditional methods for yield forecasting are labor insensitive and time-con ... Read More

Antidiabetic activity of the methanolic extract of Clematis apiifolia was investigated in this research study. Methanolic, ethanolic and aqueous extracts were prepared and evaluated for three of the m ... Read More

The use of wastewater for growing vegetables has become a common practice in peri-urban areas of big cities of developing world including Pakistan. In addition to providing essential elements and orga ... Read More

Currently 50% of the Pakistani soils are reported deficient in potassium (K) along with iron (Fe) due to alkaline calcareous nature. Intensive cropping of exhaustive crops has resulted in negative K a ... Read More

The conventional rice production system of Pakistan is escalating due to the higher level of labor involved, shortage of water and higher cost of production due to the rapidly increasing cost of energ ... Read More

Maize (Zea mays L.) is an important cereal, which is affected adversely by nutrients deficiency. With the objective to combat nutrients deficiency in maize through bio-liquid (earthworm wash), experi ... Read More

It is well known that silver nanoparticles are a good candidate to be antifungal agent against wide range of plant pathogenic fungi. The objective of this work is to examine the impact of silver nano ... Read More

This study was conducted in greenhouse conditions to assess the effect of nitrogen fixing leguminous plant species, black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), on the available nitrogen (N) and other soi ... Read More

Drought drastically affects plant growth and development, and thus reduces crop productivity. Drought stress tolerance in wheat is a prime factor for stabilization of crop performance in the drought- ... Read More

Agriculture is currently facing demanding challenges such as water scarcity and environmental pollution while Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. chinensis) is one of the most important vegetables in C ... Read More

Climate change profoundly impacts agriculture system by changing variables such as rainfall, temperature, evapotranspiration, soil water content, and water availability. Henan provinece is ranked top ... Read More

Podosparea xanthii is the most frequently reported powdery mildew pathogen of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus L.). The utilization of genetic resources for disease resistance is economically and enviro ... Read More

Clausena excavata is a famous folklore medicinal plant in tropical and subtropical Asian region that is being used for the treatment of different disorders. This study was conducted to investigate th ... Read More

This is the first report of resistance development including the mode, inheritance of resistance, and life parameters in field collected as well as lambda-cyhalothrin selected laboratory strains of M ... Read More

The textile and clothing industry of Pakistan is the major manufacturing industry of the country that has great standing in the global businesses. It adds 57% to the country’s exports. Work stress ha ... Read More

The study determined value preferences of consumers for fresh tomatoes in Karachi, Lahore and Faisalabad – the three major cities of Pakistan. The purpose of the study was to identify tomato quality ... Read More

The current research study was designed to evaluate the impact assessment of Better Management Practices of cotton by comparing the performance of both the adopters and non-adopters of BMPs. The pres ... Read More

The planned study was conducted to estimate per acre cost of production and net returns of strawberry. It also identified the factors affecting the productivity of strawberry. The research also put f ... Read More

This study was conducted for the exploration of different factors contributing to future water scarcity. For this qualitative study, 370 farmers were selected from the study area. The literature rega ... Read More

In Pakistan, the Extension Field Staff (EFS) of public and private sectors uses various methods and strategies to educate the farmers about agricultural technologies. This study was attempted to unde ... Read More

Potential amylase enzymes have many industrial applications that are found in biological sources like animal, plants and microorganisms. Fungi and bacteria hold tremendous potential to produce the α- ... Read More

The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of calf rearing methods in Sahiwal cows on milk and feed intake, weight gain, body condition score, and locomotion score. We randomly selected th ... Read More

Antibiotic resistance; a threatening scenario to public health, has encouraged the use of herbal medicines in lieu of allopathic drugs. Since ancient times, clove (Syzygium aromaticum) and garlic (Al ... Read More

The study aimed to document the therapeutic effect of application of Electroacupuncture (EA), oral administration of Nigella sativa (NS), Eugenia caryophyllata (EU) oils and surgical resection of ile ... Read More

Climate change and effects of heat stress on animals are evident on different biological systems in form of oxidative stress and at cellular membrane level as Na+ -K+ -ATPase gradient. The present ... Read More

This study was aimed to evaluate the immunomodulatory, growth promoting and protective effects of aqueous (AE) and ethanolic extracts (EE) of Ficus religiosa L. against coccidiois is in broilers. The ... Read More

Avian mycoplasmosis is an infectious and contagious disease that mainly infects chickens and turkeys. Due to the presence of limited information on incidence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in Faisalabad ... Read More

Malnutrition is a widely prevalent in its various forms in Pakistani. Among the vulnerable segments of population, the children are adversely affected from protein energy malnutrition (PEM) and micro ... Read More

The advancement in the field of precision agriculture has opened doors for site-specific weed management. There is a growing need to control the amount of herbicide sprayed on weeds to reduce economi ... Read More

Agriculture sector plays a significant role in the economy of Pakistan. Amongst the major crops, wheat is essential food of Pakistani people’s. Wheat production is a function of a number of factors. ... Read More

Antimicrobial resistance is a very serious threat to human health; hence the search for novel antimicrobials is urgently needed. Cyclotides are unique disulfide rich mini-proteins of plant family hav ... Read More

Pakistan being a tropical country, characterized by poor socioeconomic conditions, is more vulnerable to Mosquito-borne diseases. So, this study was proposed to know the prevalence of mosquito-borne ... Read More

The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of limiting amino acids supplementation in low crude proteins diet on Labeo rohita fingerlings having an average weight of 4.340g. Fish were ke ... Read More

Present paper describes the communal roosting of the widely inhabiting four passerine species in Faisalabad. It is regular among birds’ and provides significant vision to the evolution, conservation, ... Read More

Current study was designed to investigate and compare the effects of a locally isolated strain of Lactobacillus brevis MF179529 (LB) with commercial probiotic (CP), and yeast (Y) on growth performanc ... Read More

Cucumber is one of the important vegetable for nourishing human being due to the presence of nutrients and vitamins throughout the world. However, its production is decreasing due to several environm ... Read More

Amaranthus retroflexus L., Convolvulus arvensis L., Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. var. villosus, Datura stramonium L., Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv and Portulaca oleracea L. are weeds commonly see ... Read More

The unplanned development of cities creates several problems like deterioration of environment, unbalanced ecosystem and poor community interrelation. Furthermore, shifting rural communities to urban ... Read More

This is the first report of resistance development including the mode, inheritance of resistance, and life parameters in field collected as well as lambda-cyhalothrin selected laboratory strains of M ... Read More

Zinc (Zn) deficiency is a major problem in food crops, and it is severely affecting humans globally. Therefore, the current investigation was conducted to determine influence of soil and foliar appli ... Read More

Potassium (K+ ) is one of the vital macronutrients for the plant kingdom. It constitutes almost 10% of total plant biomass. Therefore, it is evident that K+ takes part in diverse biological process ... Read More

Faisalabad is the third largest city and an industrial hub of Pakistan. The current study was designed to measure the harmful gases emitted from domestic solid waste through microbial activities as w ... Read More

Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are associated with rhizosphere as well as non-rhizosphere. PGPR are involved in plant growth promotion through different direct and indirect mechanisms. T ... Read More

Rose is a highly economically important ornamental plant being globally used for aesthetic purposes since ancient times. In Pakistan, during last seventy years hundreds of Hybrid varieties were intro ... Read More

Chillies (Capsicum spp.), the second most consumed vegetable around the world, belongs to the Solanaceae family. Chilli crop is negatively affected by high temperature which leads to economic yield l ... Read More

Heat stress causes irrecoverable damage to plant growth, thus adversely affecting the crop productivity. This study was planned to minimize the heat stress induced-losses to chickpea plants with the ... Read More

Fruit quality improvement of date palm has always been an issue that can be resolved by using different approaches, and one of them is the application of chemical fertilizers. Potassium is the least ... Read More

Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a major fruit in Afghanistan, having a long history as wild and domesticated throughout the country. Best fruit accessions were evolved in the world through selection ... Read More

The agricultural extension system in China has been continuously evolving to meet the information needs of farmers. Contemporarily country has adopted an integrated model of outreach known as Coopera ... Read More

Salinity is one of the major abiotic factors that decrease the productivity of rice worldwide. Rice is mainly transplanted crop in the tropical region; therefore, rice plants can avoid the salinity a ... Read More