The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of calf rearing methods in Sahiwal cows on milk and feed intake, weight gain, body condition score, and locomotion score. We randomly selected the eight Sahiwal cows just before their calving and divided into two groups. After parturition, claves from both groups were reared under natural restricted suckling (RS) and artificial rearing system (AR) at Livestock Experimental Station, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Restricted suckling calves were allowed to suckle from cow’s udder just before milking in the morning and evening (twice milking arrangement) up to weaning. In an artificial rearing system, calves were fed milk through bucket feeders @ 10% of their body weight up to weaning. Post-weaning data for two months were also conceded to complete the trial. The results for weight gain kg week-1 was significantly(P<0.05) higher in RS group (3.35± 0.15) than AR group (2.88 ± 0.31) calves. The average daily weight gain in RS (465 g) group was higher (P<0.05) as compared to AR group (332 g) in the pre-weaning phase (90 days). The average weekly weight gain was also higher (P<0.05) in RS group (3.26 ± 0.24) as compared to AR group (2.33 ± 0.36) up to weaning. There was no significant difference in weight gain of calves in RS group (3.64 ± 0.16) as compared to AR (3.23 ± 0.15) group in post-weaning. The results of milk composition did not show any difference (P>0.05), but the effect of the suckling method had demonstrated a positive impact on the performance of calves. A higher (P<0.05) level of cortisol concentration was found in AR group as compared to RS group. Based on results, it is concluded that natural milk feeding had a positive effect in preweaning on the growth and stress of Sahiwal calves.

Muhammad Riaz, Muhammad Aneeq Azhar, Muhammad Sharif, Muhammad Yaqoob, Haroon Rashid, Muhammad Aziz ur Rahman. (2021) EFFECT OF REARING METHODS ON THE GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND WELFARE STATUS OF CALVES, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 58, Issue 1.
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