Cucumber is one of the most popular greenhouse products. Iran produces more than two million tons of this product annually, making it the third largest cucumber producer in the world after China and Turkey. Therefore, attention to maintaining its quality during harvesting is necessary. The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of the intensity and duration of a magnetic field on germination and cucumber transplant growth parameters. Experiments were conducted in a factorial arrangement in a completely randomized design with two treatments including magnetic field intensities in three levels (S1=80, S2=140, S3=240 millitesla), and magnetic field duration in four levels (T1=5, T2=10, T3=15, T4=20 minutes) with three replications. The root length, stem length, leaf area index, root weight, germination percentage, leaf chlorophyll content, and shoot dry weight were measured. The results of the analysis of variance showed that the effect of magnetic field on root length, stem length, leaf area, root weight, germination, and chlorophyll content is statistically significant. There was no significant effect on dry weight. The magnetic field intensity of 140 mT for 5- and 10-minute durations or a high intensity with low duration had more effect on plant growth compared to the blank. It is recommended that other intensities and durations of magnetic fields also be tested

Moradali Ghanbarpouri, Ahmad Mohamadi Ghahsareh, Mitra Attaabadi. (2021) EFFECT OF MAGNETIC TREATMENT ON STRONG CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus L.) TRANSPLANT PRODUCTION, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 58, Issue 2.
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