The planned study was conducted to estimate per acre cost of production and net returns of strawberry. It also identified the factors affecting the productivity of strawberry. The research also put fingers on identifying different marketing channels prevalent in strawberry supply chain. Primary data were collected from 110 farmers engaged in strawberry cultivation using a well-structured and field pre-tested questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used to explain the socioeconomic characteristics of the farm households while multiple regression analysis was employed to examine the factors affecting the production of strawberry. The results purported that per acre yield and farm gate price received were 244 mounds and Rs. 1964/40 kg, respectively. Total revenue from strawberry cultivation was estimated as Rs. 478234 and net profit gained from one acre of strawberry was Rs. 250979. Growing strawberry is profitable enterprise as returns are more than double against the cost incurred. The Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) was calculated to be 2.10. The results revealed that the education, land holding, dummy of sowing time, climate adaptation and mitigation, and access to loan were contributing positively and significantly to strawberry production. However, owing the existence of fruits and vegetables market far away from farm showed a negative impact on yield. It is need of the time that educated farmers should be encouraged to engage in the strawberry farming. Policy makers and extension workers should motivate the farmers to increase the acreage under cultivation of strawberry. Farmers should be given guidelines regarding the adaptation measures to cope the vulnerabilities of climate. Easy and timely availability of loan should be ensured to the farmers. Finally, output markets should be developed nearby growing areas to fetch higher prices and reduce transportation cost and post-harvest losses.

Asghar Ali, Abdul Ghafoor, Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Khalid Bashir, Muhammad Ishaq Javed, Muhammad Arsalan. (2021) VALUATION OF COST AND RETURNS OF STRAWBERRY IN PUNJAB, PAKISTAN, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 58, Issue 1.
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