In this research, the effects of sucrose replacement with xylitol and erythritol-sucralose on the textural characteristics and sensory acceptance of konjac jellies were investigated. Two levels (50 and 100% sucrose replacement) were studied. Textural characteristics on hardness, cohesiveness, and springiness, and the 9-point hedonic scale were investigated. At 50% xylitol, konjac jellies prepared with either -carrageenan or xanthan displayed higher cohesiveness and springiness than that of the control (p < 0.05); however, total replacement showed superior effects but only in konjac/-carrageenan jellies. A softer texture was observed in both jellies with 100% xylitol. Konjac jellies with 50% erythritol-sucralose were harder and more cohesive but were not significantly different to the 100% erythritol-sucralose samples. Springiness decreased when erythritol-sucralose replaced the sucrose in konjac/-carrageenan jellies, in contrary tokonjac/xanthan jellies. Most of the panelists preferred the konjac/-carrageenan jellies. The higher sucrose replacement significantly decreased the taste and texture in both konjac jellies, while texture perception was increased in those with erythritol-sucralose. Jellies with 50% xylitol and erythritol-sucralose were sensorially acceptable compared to 100% sucrose replacement. The optimal low-sugar konjac jelly was achieved by using - carrageenan as a co-gelled gum and erythritol-sucralose for 50% and 100% sucrose replacement.

Adisak Akesowan. (2021) IMPACT OF SUCROSE REPLACEMENT ON GEL TEXTURE AND SENSORY PERCEPTION OF KONJAC JELLIES, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 58, Issue 3.
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