Salinity is a global issue and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. is one of the most planted agroforestry tree species on saline soils in Pakistan. Organic amendments are reported to ameliorate plant growth in saline sodic soils. This study was designed to examine the effects of different organic amendments on the growth of E. camaldulensis grown in saline soil. A pot experiment was performed and seedlings of E. camaldulensis were grown in soil having pH (8.5) and EC(e) 20.5dS/m. Four types of organic amendments were used: farmyard manure, poultry manure, slurry and biochar. The maximum plant total biomass (132.12 g), root length (24.67 cm) and shoot length (174.33 cm) were recorded in the plants grown in soils amended with farmyard manure. The minimum plant total biomass (36.05 g), root length (9.44 cm) and shoot length (68.0 cm) were found in plants without any amendment. Plants treated with farmyard manure and biochar showed the best results for chlorophyll contents, photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance. Sodium contents in the shoots and roots of plants treated with organic amendments were decreased whereas potassium contents were increased. Maximum sodium contents were found in the shoot (5.70 mg/g DW) and root (7.71 mg/g DW) of un-amended plants, whereas, maximum potassium contents were in the shoots (7.81 mg/g DW) and roots 6.33 mg/g DW) of plants treated with biochar. Biochar was found to be best amendment to improve physicochemical characteristics of soil by improving organic matter (%) and saturation (%) as well as decreasing EC and SAR values of saline soils. Findings of this experiment suggested that organic amendments are useful in enhancing the early stage growth of E. camaldulensis in saline soils.

Muhammad Talha Bin Yousaf, Muhammad Farrakh Nawaz, Muhammad Zia ur Rehman. (2021) ECOPHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE OF EARLY STAGE Eucalyptus camaldulensis TO BIOCHAR AND OTHER ORGANIC AMENDMENTS UNDER SALT STRESS, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 58, Issue 3.
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