Zinc (Zn) deficiency is a major problem in food crops, and it is severely affecting humans globally. Therefore, the current investigation was conducted to determine influence of soil and foliar applied Zn on productivity, quality and kernel biofortification of basmati rice. The study contained various combinations of soil and foliar Zn application i.e., T1= No Zn application (control), T2 = soil application of Zn @ 25 kg/ha, T3 = soil application of zinc @ 50 kg/ha, T4 = foliar application of Zn @ 0.5%, T5 = foliar application of Zn @ 1.0%, T6 = soil application of Zn @25 kg/ha + foliar application of zinc @ 0.5%, T7 = soil application of Zn @25 kg/ha + foliar application of Zn @ 1.0%, T8 = soil application of Zn @50 kg/ha + foliar application of zinc @ 0.5% and T9 = soil application of Zn @50 kg/ha + foliar application of Zn @ 1.0%. The Zn application by any method increased the rice yield and kernel Zn concentration. However, soil + foliar application of Zn (25 kg/ha + 1%) remained at the top with maximum fertile tillers (361, 367), kernel weight (28.50 g, 32.20 g), paddy yield (5.80 t ha-1 , 6.00 t ha-1 ) kernel protein content (11.34%, 11.46%) and kernel Zn concentration (49.80 mg kg-1 ,53.80 mg kg-1 ) during both years. In conclusion, soil + foliar Zn application (25 kg/ha + 1%) can increase the yield and kernel Zn of basmati rice.

Qurban Ali, Muhammad Bilal Ch, Muhammad Nasir Subhani. (2021) ZINC APPLICATION IMPROVES THE PRODUCTIVITY AND GRAIN BIOFORTIFICATION OF FINE RICE, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 58, Issue 1.
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