The study aims to examine the women empowerment in rural areas of Punjab, Pakistan. The current paper contributes to the literature by presenting the empirical evidence of women empowerment in agriculture. Women empowerment in agriculture index (WEAI) was used for measuring women empowerment of the 300 rural households. Primary data were collected from three (3) districts of the Punjab province. The quantitative data analyzed by using appropriate statistical techniques. The results of the study showed disempowerment of women in agriculture with varying degree in all three selected regions of Punjab. The WEAI results for the Central Punjab (Jhang) is 0.034. It is the average weighted score of the five empowerment domains (5DE) value of sub-index is 0.689 and the Gender parity index (GPI) sub-index value of 0.686. Results for South Punjab (D.G.Khan) is 0.578. The weighted score of the sub-index value of 5DE is 0.498 and the sub-index value of GPI is 0.782, and for North Punjab (Chakwal) is 0.784 and the average weighted score of the sub-index value of 5DE is 0.745 and the sub-index value of GPI is 0.598. The empowerment gap between men and women in the same household is relatively momentous at 26.9 and 36.9% in Central and South Punjab but less significant in North Punjab at 53.8%. A strong correlation between age of the household, education and empowerment was found. Lack of control over income and lack of control over resources are found as the domains that contribute most to women disempowerment. Lack of leadership in community and lack of availability of time domains that contribute most to men disempowerment.

Durr-e-Shahwar, Izhar Ahmad Khan, Naveed Farah. (2021) OBSTACLES AND CHALLANGES FOR WOMEN EMPOWERMENT IN AGRICULTURE: THE CASE OF RURAL PUNJAB, PAKISTAN, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 58, Issue 3.
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