To find a possible Agave honey biotechnological alternative, it was used as a supplement in a MS medium and the effect was analyzed under in vitro and ex vitro conditions on Opuntia genotypes. More interestingly, the treatment at 25% (MS) concentration supplemented with 15 g/L Agave honey was responsible for higher root induction (6.70 cm) in Chicle genotype, while 50% of MS medium with 20 g/L induced red pigmentation in tissues of Xoconostle blanco genotype, which were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy, showed a signal for β-carotene (α-carotene, 2.18 and β-carotene, 31.58 µg/100 g, respectively for the best treatment). After in the in situ conditions it was found that the substrate complemented with Agave honey and pH 6.5 presented a similar effect (plant height, 16.30 cm in a period of 180 days) in Opuntia plant growth when a commercial fertilizer was used (N-P-K 17% and pH 7.5). Additionally, the substrate complemented with 30 g/l of Agave honey and pH 7.5 resulted in higher content of protein (11.7 ± 0.03%) in tissue. The results obtained indicate that this byproduct can be used to lead the synthesis of compounds of nutritional interest in Opuntia genotypes under controlled conditions.

Hector Silos-Espino, Fabian Cruz-Macías, Anel Reyes-Medina, Martin Ortiz-Morales, Claudio Frausto-Reyes, Luis L.Valera-Montero, Silvia Flores-Benítez, Sathish Kumar Kamaraj, Catarino Perales-Segovia. (2020) EFFECT OF AGAVE SAP ON OPUNTIA SPP. PLANT PROPAGATION, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 6.
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