Globally, electricity access in remote and rural areas has always been economically and technically challenging due to the long distances among the load centers and nearest power grid lines including substations; low load densities and challenging topography. Predominantly, diesel generators (DG) are used to meet the load demands for these areas due to their convenience and economic advantages. Nevertheless, solar PV systems are the most widely used and the fastest growing off-grid renewable energy technology (RET) deployed in these off-grid type power supply systems. This is due to the abundance of solar irradiance available in most parts of the world, and the rapidly decreasing cost of PV technologies. In this feasibility study, economic analysis of off-grid photovoltaic solar power supply system was performed for the remote areas of Pakistan. The average demand of each family in remote areas of Pakistan is around 100 watts/day (DC power supply). The analysis revealed that the total capital investment required to run the 100 watts DC system for a day is about PKR 10800 or USD 630 with the life of ~25 years. The payback period of this DC off-grid PV system is only 2.5 years which make it feasible for the remote and offgrid areas of Pakistan.

Muhammad Azhar Ali, Muhammad Yamin, Ch. Arslan, Abdul Nasir, Usman Farid. (2020) A FEASIBILITY STUDY: OFF-GRID PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR POWER SUPPLY TO THE REMOTE AREAS OF PAKISTAN, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 5.
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