Consumption pattern of cooked rice varies from individual to individual owing to their habitual perceptions. In this context, information about the cooking and eating quality attributes of rice cultivars grown in Pakistan may be helpful for the consumers for their personal selection as well as export purposes. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the quality attributes of six rice cultivars grown in major rice growing areas of the Punjab, Pakistan along with certified cultivars of Rice Research Institute Kala Shah Kaku. These cultivars were characterized for their physical, chemical, pasting and cooking characteristics. Mean values showed greater variations among the brown and white rice samples for peak viscosity (701±0.32 to 786±0.19RVU), set back viscosity (2038±0.46 to 2265±0.49RVU), break down viscosity (224±0.46 to 279±0.49RVU), final viscosity (2746±0.49 to 2258±0.50RVU), kernel elongation ratio (2.65±1.15 to 2.97±1.30), volume expansion ratio (3.47±0.37 to 4.13±0.35) and water absorption ratio (3.21±0.29 to 3.57±0.19). Eating quality of cooked rice samples showed maximum preference of white rice samples due to better color, aroma, taste, texture. This was might be due to routine consumption of white rice in Pakistan as compared to brown rice. The variations in characteristics of brown and white fractions of cultivars from various locations were might be due to climatic, agronomic and other agricultural practices adopted during the rice cropping season as well as rice processing conditions. It is concluded from the current study that Basmati varieties especially grown in popular areas for rice cultivation are considered best for processors, consumers as well as exporters.

Rebia Ejaz, Mian Kamran Sharif, Imran Pasha, Muhammad Anjum Zia. (2020) COOKING AND EATING QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF SOME PAKISTANI RICE VARIETIES, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 2.
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