A survey-based study was conducted to analyze the current scenario of substrate usage in local ornamental plants nurseries of Punjab, Pakistan, during 2017, using stratified random sampling technique. Ornamental nurseries of Faisalabad, Lahore, Islamabad, Kasur and Multan were surveyed on a detailed questionnaire, which consisted of comprehensive personal and business information of nurserymen, substrate usage for ornamental plant production and major issues of nursery production business in Punjab, Pakistan. Collected data were coded, decoded and arranged statistically in tabular form, and were analyzed through SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) IBM (International Business Machines) version 19. Results demonstrated that majority of local nurserymen were using soil or silt for raising ornamentals. Moreover, major obstacle in nursery production was the unawareness of the nurserymen regarding modern nursery raising techniques and majority (56%) even had no idea about use or significance of soilless substrates. However, a large number (62%) of nurserymen were interested to produce export quality plants, using cheaper local soilless substrates, if available at affordable prices. Only a few nurserymen, who were using modern imported substrates, demanded the tax exemption facility (35%) and reduction of import export barriers (21%), training of labor about modern substrates and nursery raising techniques (21%) and awareness about modern technologies (16%). Ignorance about modern soilless substrates (53%) and high costs of imported soilless substrates (25%) were reported to be the major issues in limited use of soilless substrates. Nurserymen also complained that they were using personal resources only to cope with their nursery issues and no support was available from public or private sector. Nurserymen were purchasing the traditional substrates, viz. silt from other nurserymen (48%), and get some guidance from university experts, floriculture websites or through floriculture department extension agents. Use of garden soil or silt traditionally and unawareness of the modern soilless substrates were reported as major reasons of low quality nursery production and nurserymen were looking for affordable locally developed soilless substrates for better quality ornamental nursery production.

Shaiza Rasool, Iftikhar Ahmad, Asees Ahmad, Bilal Abdullah, Khurram Ziaf. (2020) CURRENT STATUS AND ISSUES OF SOILLESS SUBSTRATE USAGE IN ORNAMENTAL NURSERY PRODUCTION BUSINESS IN PUNJAB, PAKISTAN, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 3.
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