Chloroesters of 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCPD) esters are potentially harmful heat-induced contaminants produced during processing. It was aimed to quantify 3-MCPD esters in processed foods and to test different approaches to reduce their abundance. Lipids from bread, UHT milk and chicken nuggets, each of three brands, were extracted and analyzed for their ester-linked 3-MCPD levels using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), a direct method. Predominant fatty acids in vegetable oils/ fats were targeted for quantification. Samples were purified using a two-step solid-phase extraction (SPE) via silica and C18 cartridges. LC-MS/MS analysis revealed a quantifiable concentration of targeted esters in all nine samples with ≥83% recovery from the SPE. The R 2 value for solvent-constructed linear calibration curves for all selected 3- MCPD esters was ≥0.9984. Our method revealed a quantifiable level of all the targeted esters in all samples. Regarding the mitigation of these esters, enzyme-catalyzed inter-esterification reduced 3-MCPD esters to an undetectable level (100% reduction), while addition of activated bleaching earth had a little effect (9.2% average reduction). Among solvents, ethanol treatment was more efficient in reducing the targeted 3-MCPD esters in comparison to n-hexane (61.9% v/s 43.9%) on an average basis in all samples. Our LC-MS/MS method was reliable in quantifying ester-linked 3-MCDPs. Enzyme-catalyzed inter-esterification is the most effective mitigation approach for potentially harmfull 3-MCPD esters.

Naveed Ahmad, Muhammad Asim Shabbir, Masood Sadiq Butt, Muhammad Shahid, Thomas H. Robert. (2020) QUANTIFICATION OF 3-MONOCHLOROPROPANE-DIOL FATTY ACID ESTERS BY LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY-MASS SPECTROMETRY METHOD WITH THEIR SUBSEQUENT REDUCTION IN PROCESSED FOODS, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 3.
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