The study was aimed on nutritional comparison of different four varieties of date fruit including (Ajwa, Hallawi, Madjool and Shamran), exploration of their functional ingredients i.e. antioxidant profile (total phenolic contents) and dietary fiber with special reference to the hypo-cholesterolemic capacity of the functional ingredients. Considering the aforementioned essentials, all the four date varieties were analyzed comparatively. The results showed significant difference in moisture content, ash contents, protein value, fat contents, fiber contents and nitrogen free extract (NFE) contents of different date varieties (p<0.05). Maximum ash contents (3.23%), crude protein (2.89%) and crude fat (0.49%) contents were recorded in Ajwa while it showed a minimum content of NFE (91.36%) as compared to the other date varieties. Maximum moisture content (23.12%) was found in Hallawi. Hallawi showed minimum contents of Crude fiber (1.88%) while Madjool showed highest contents of crude fiber (2.41%). Mineral estimation showed that potassium was the predominant mineral and ranged from (480.3 to 852.15 mg/100g) in Ajwa and Hallawi, respectively. Total phenolic contents ranged from 238.89 mg/100 (Madjool) to 280.67 mg/100g (Hallawi) while the highest DPPH scavenging activity was observed in Madjool followed by Ajwa (72.15%), Hallawi (69.17) and the lowest was found in Shamran (61.18 %).Total flavonoid contents ranged from 96.05 mg/100 (Shamran) to 172.07 mg/100g (Ajwa) while the highest total flavonoid activity was observed in Ajwa (172.07 mg/100g) followed by Hallawi (157.07 mg/100g) and the lowest was observed in Shamran (96.05 mg/100g). Maximum content of Total dietary fiber (11.02 %) and soluble dietary fiber (3.0 %) was observed in Hallawi while in Ajwa (7.25%), Hallawi (8.02%) and Shamran (7.92 %) showed a significantly (p 0.05) higher insoluble dietary fiber in comparison with Madjool (4.30%). In addition, the date variety was tested in the experimental mouse model to evaluate its maximum cholesterol lowering effect. It was observed that Ajwa and Hallawi could effectively inhibit cholesterol level, which was 110 mg / dl and 103 mg / dl, respectively. According to the above chemical characteristics and parameters, the results of Ajwa and Hallawi dates were almost the same, and the greatest potential of lowering cholesterol, LDL and TG in serum was found.

Faqir Muhammad Anjum, Syeda Ayesha Batool , Rabia Shabir Ahmed, Muhammad Umair Arshad . (2020) CHARACTERIZATION OF DIFFERENT DATE VARIETIES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THEIR ANTIOXIDANT POTENTIAL AND BIOEVALUATION TRIAL AGAINST HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 4.
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