To practice the concept of site specific crop nutrient management on a large oil palm plantation, more soil samples are required to analyze the macronutrients. Most of the farmers in developing countries cannot afford the high cost of soil analysis. If fertilizers are applied by maintaining the desired NPK ratio in soil for a long time, then maintained ratio of NPK in the soil can help to estimate the deficiencies of NPK nutrients in the soil using oxidation-reduction potential. In this study, oxidationreduction potential was recorded in chemical (NO3 - , H3PO4, K+ ) and aqueous fertilizer (NO3 - , TSP, MOP) mixtures separately with the help of developed oxidation reduction potential (ORP) sensor and commercially available ORP meter (HM ORP200). The calibration of developed ORP sensor in different concentrations of chemical (NO3 - , H3PO4, K+ ) mixture has a good correlation of 0.9923 with validation readings recorded in corresponding aqueous fertilizer (NO3 - , TSP, MOP) mixtures with an error range of -0.44 to 1.72%. This small error range revealed that ORP sensor calibrated in chemical (NO3 - , H3PO4, K+ ) mixture of NPK nutrients can be used reliably in aqueous fertilizer (NO3 - , TSP, MOP) mixture for the estimation of NPK nutrients. A good correlation of 0.9766 was also found between ORP sensor and commercially available ORP meter (HM ORP-200). Developed ORP sensor can be used for on-the-go operations in the soils of oil palm plantations because of its fast response time (<1 s) and notably high oxidation-reduction potential provided that required NPK ratios are maintained in the soil

Muhammad Yamin, Wan Ishak bin Wan Ismail, Muhamad Saufi bin Mohd , Kassim, Muhammad Ibrahim, Farah Naz Akbar , Ramin Shamshiri , Samsuzana Binti Abd Aziz . (2020) DEVELOPMENT AND CALIBRATION OF ORP SENSOR FOR THE ESTIMATION OF MACRONUTRIENTS IN THE SOIL OF OIL PALM PLANTATION, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 5.
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