While detecting the fungi associated with indoor and outdoor cultivated potted ornamental palm species the samples comprising of roots and soil were found to be infested with Acremonium sclerotigenum (other than the fungal plant pathogens), which is reported fungal opportunistic human pathogen. For further investigation regarding the role of potted indoor and outdoor ornamental plant species in harboring and disseminating human fungal pathogens a total 190 soils and roots samples of three ornamental potted palms species including Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii), Cat palm (Chamaedorea cataractarum) and Lady palm (Rhapis excels) were investigated. A. sclerotigenum was identified based on morphocultural and molecular characterization. The Sequence (GenBank accession# MF716849) showed 100% homology to the TYPE material of A. sclerotigenum (CBS 124.42), which then validated by resolving its phylogenetic hierarchy through genomic and bioinformatics analyses. The culture was deposited to FMB-CC-UAF with culture collection number FMB 0019. Moreover, phylogenetic tree also supported this investigated isolate as A. sclerotigenum. The Frequency percentage of A. Sclerotigenum association with the decaying root samples of above mentioned three palm species was found 12.27, 11.47, 10.53% from the indoor potted palms; 08, 7.7, 7.4% from the outdoor potted palms respectively, while 7.87, 7.53, 6.00% from the soils of indoor potted palms and 4.5, 4.2, 3.2% from the soils of outdoor potted palms respectively. The results of this study, in relation with the already reported cases in harboring and dispersing the fungal opportunistic pathogens causing mycosis indicated that this type of plantation without any proper antifungal treatment may constitute a serious mycotic hazards to human beings and animals. To our knowledge this is the first report from Pakistan showing that C. seifrizii, C. cataractarum and R. excels are three new host of A. Sclerotigenum.

Imran Ul Haq, Siddra Ijaz, Anjum Faraz, Nabeeha Aslam Khan. (2020) POTTED ORNAMENTAL Chamaedorea seifrizii, Chamaedorea cataractarum AND Rhapis excels PALM SPECIES: HOSTS FOR THE OPPORTUNISTIC FUNGAL PATHOGEN, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 2.
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