Arthropods are the major part of the fauna on earth, they participate significantly in sustaining agricultural ecological systems. Their participation makes them functional bioindicators for determining agro-ecosystem stability. Yet, their abundance and diversity in some terrestrial ecosystems are still undisclosed. This study was done to determine the diversity of arthropod fauna in a mixed agroecosystem of District Faisalabad, Pakistan. Additionally, it was compared and analyzed the diversity, abundance, and richness of species in the Morning and Evening periods. A total of 172 species belonging from 10 orders,70 families, and 2741 specimens were collected from the agroecosystem. The diversity parameters used to analyze the diversity of arthropods were Shannon index, Evenness Margalef index, Simpson index, and Sorenson similarity index. We observed that most abundantly found orders were Orthoptera, Diptera, and Hemiptera. Morning fauna exhibited the highest diversity than evening. The arthropod's abundance differed significantly in the morning and evening. From the overall study, it was observed that fauna has a great association with the agro-ecological zones. Further research work of a broad level is needed to explore the more prevalence of fauna in this area, which will be helpful in the management strategies of IPM and crop rotations.

Sawera Maqsood, Naureen Rana, Shahla Nargis, Waqar Majeed . (2020) EFFECT OF DAWN AND DUSK ON THE DIVERSITY AND ABUNDANCE OF ARTHROPODS IN A MIXED AGROECOSYSTEM, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 4.
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