Roasted flax seed is a good source of protein that can be blended with wheat flour for the development of protein enriched cookies. Protein quality is a huge issue in developing countries along with the nutritional deficiency in people. Flax seed possess great nutritional benefits and can also be used as part of functional food hence, making it a valuable addition to cereal based products. This study envisages the use of roasted flax seed flour at levels of 5 to 40% and is also compared with control cookies. Various physiochemical and sensory parameters like moisture, ash, fat, fiber and protein contents increased in the prepared cookies with increasing levels of roasted flaxseed in cookies. Although sensory parameters remain acceptable at all levels of replacement but little decline in all sensory parameters was evident with the increase in levels of roasted flax. Linear dendrogram indicated three distinct region of treatments in which 5% and 10% level were more close to control samples but varied at higher levels of flax incorporation. Significant effect of treatment levels was observed on physiochemical and organoleptic parameters. Results indicated that the cookies prepared with 5 to 15% roasted flaxseed possessed better chemical and organoleptic parameters.

Asif Ahmad, Sadaf Zulfiqar, Zia Ahmad Chatha. (2020) DEVELOPMENT OF ROASTED FLAX SEED COOKIES AND CHARACTERIZATION FOR CHEMICAL AND ORGANOLEPTIC PARAMETERS, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 1.
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