Coccinellid beetles are widely recognized biological control agents and are voracious feeder of cereal aphids. Aphid predation by Coccinellid predators is quite imperative for long-term regulation of their population in agricultural crops. The factual role of natural enemies in biological control depends on their capability to devour large number of pests. Therefore, this study was aimed to determine predatory potential of selected Coccinellid beetles in the laboratory as well as to ascertain their hierarchy in aphid preference. On account of that per day feeding efficacy of four Coccinellid species, Coccinella septempunctata, Coccinella sexmaculata, Coccinella transversalis and Hippodamia variegata as well as their larval instars were determined on aphid species Myzus persicae, Rhopalosiphum padi, Schizaphis graminum, and Sitobion avenae in order to elucidate their efficiency in choice and no choice feeding assays. Coccinella sexmaculata was found to be the most efficient predatory species followed by H. variegata, C. septempunctata and C. transversalis against aphids. Aphids M. persicae and S. avenae were preferred diet for adult and larvae of C. septempunctata as compared to M. persicae and R. padi for C. transversalis. Maximum consumption per day of adult as well as larval instars of C. sexmaculata was observed for S. graminum. Adults of H. variegata fed more on S. avenae while grubs fed more on S. graminum. M. persicae was found to be the potential host for all predatory Coccinellids. Highly significant variations (P<0.001) were observed for per day feeding efficacy of all selected predators and their larvae. Coccinellid predators appeared to have substantial capacity to consume aphids that evinced their ability as viable control agents of aphids.

Nazia Ehsan, Naureen Rana, Muhammad Asghar, Muhammad Yaseen, Muhammad Afzal . (2020) EX-SITU PREDATION POTENTIAL OF APHIDOPHAGOUS COCCINELLIDS, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 5.
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