Genotype, environment and their interactions are important determinant of crop phenotypes. In present study, oat genotypes including advanced lines (candidate varieties), approved cultivars, obsolete cultivars and germplasm accessions were evaluated at three sites under terminal phase heat stress to study the response of heat resistant elite advanced oat lines. Genotype + Genotype × Environment was used to select better genotype across three experimental sites. Advanced lines such as “Sgd-1”, “Sgd-oat-2011” and “Fsd-oat” were selected for better yield under the terminal heat stress which had better green fodder yield (GFY) and also showed stable performance when compared at three locations. These advanced lines provided a yield advantage of 10% when compared with standard checks under heat stress. Among the yield components, plant height (PH) had positive association with GFY at all locations and this trait may be prioritized for the selection of high yielding genotypes. “S-2000” showed better performance for leaf area, “Sgd-oat-2011” and “CK-1” had been stable for tiller number and “Fsd-Oat” showed stable performance for stem thickness at all three locations. The results showed that candidate variety “Sgd-1” found to be superior cultivar for general cultivation due to its higher GFY, tiller number and PH. Moreover, Sgd-1 was heat tolerant cultivar and can be recommended for general cultivation subjected to terminal phase heat stress.

Imtiaz Akram Khan Niazi, Saleem Akhtar, Shoaib Kohli, Abdul Naveed, Saeed Rauf, M. Shehzad. (2020) OAT (Avena sativa L.) ADVANCED LINES OUTPERFORM EXISTING CULTIVARS FOR FORAGE YIELD AND ITS COMPONENTS UNDER TERMINAL HEAT STRESS, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 2.
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